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TreezPay Portal Overview
Written by Joel
Updated over 2 months ago

What it is

The TreezPay Portal is the combination of multiple new TreezPay offerings that come together with one primary purpose: seamlessly allow Treez POS customers to apply for, configure, and tap into all the vetted integrated payment offerings within the TreezPay network, ensuring maximum payment redundancy and visibility into cashless payment performance.

TreezPay Portal Product Anatomy

  • TreezPay OneApp - A master application that abstracts away the complexity and overhead of applying for multiple payment providers at once

  • TreezPay Gateway - A backend service that allows for quicker integrations to payment providers that deliver integrated payment functionality back through Treez POS in a uniform behavior

This article will cover the fundamentals of configuration in the TreezPay Portal & Checkout improvements delivered through the TreezPay Gateway.

For more information on TreezPay OneApp, please visit:

Getting Started with TreezPay Portal

Payment Permissions (Very Important)

As with any upgraded Treez experience, there is a required set of permissions that are needed to perform payment functionality.

While the minimum pay permissions will have been automatically assigned to default roles, they would not apply to custom roles.

For operators using custom roles, you will need to assign the minimum TreezPay permissions for floor associates to perform payments and admin type roles who need to configure payments.

The minimum TreezPay permission requirements for floor associates (people performing payments) are as follows:

  1. Create Payment

  2. Read Payment

  3. Read Payment Device Locations

  4. Cancel Payment


As for custom admin roles, in order gain access to the TreezPay platform and configure payment terminals, please ensure these users have at a minimum the below TreezPay Platform and TreezPay permissions

TreezPay Platform

  • View Dashboard

    • can assign all permissions but need views

  • Organization

    • can assign all permissions but need views


  • Admin safe to have all permissions but see screenshot for bare minimums to configure

Terminal Configuration in TreezPay Portal

While associating card terminals with POS stations still remains in SellTreez, the functionality to add and configure terminals now lives in your TreezPay Portal.

For customers who have been upgraded to the new TreezPay experience, you should not expect to have to reconfigure any of your terminals. Your existing terminal settings will have been ported over to the TreezPay Portal and re-linked with their prior POS station.

In the event a permissioned user needs to edit or add new terminals in the TreezPay Portal, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Select the “TreezPay” icon from the primary nav in the left pane of your Organization Dashboard

  1. Select the desired store within your organization

    1. Note: If navigating from Treez, you will automatically be logged in

      1. If prompted to login, use your Treez POS credentials

  1. In the TreezPay Portal select “Settings” > “Payment Configuration” in the left pane of the primary navigation

  1. Select “Configure” under “Actions” for the payment provider in which you wish to edit

  1. On the provider configuration page, you can:

    1. Set global defaults (if applicable)

    2. Set default provider (if more than one per pay type)

    3. Add new terminals

    4. View, edit, delete existing terminals

    5. Test if terminal is “online”

      1. Note: has to be in payment application mode and connected to network

Note: With the exception of being able to give a terminal a “display name”, configuration inputs have not changed.

Card Terminal x POS Station Association in Sell Treez

In order to kick off payments to a terminal located at a specific POS station, the terminal must first be associated with that station. This is existing behavior and if you have been upgraded to the new TreezPay experience, that association will have already been made based on your previous settings.

Note: For those who were automatically upgraded, the display name of your terminal will match the POS station it was at with a suffix of the device “register” ID.

Ex: POS1-1234

In the event you need to move a terminal to another station or add a new terminal to a POS station, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the store instance in Treez POS

  2. Within the store instance navigate to Configuration > Config Page > Hardware

  3. Select the desired location to make it expand

  4. From the dropdown select the integrated payment type in need of terminal association

  1. From the “Device List” dropdown select your desired device

  1. Test (optional)

  2. Save (very important)

Performing Payments & Checkout Improvements via the TreezPay Gateway

Under the latest version of the payment service (TreezPay Gateway) there are several new enhancements to be generally aware of.

While the payment flow, SellTreez payment reports, and reconciliation remain the same, there are some general “Checkout” improvements to be aware of.

These are as follows:

  1. “Cancel” payment functionality

    1. Allows a payment to be canceled from POS (if supported)

    2. **Important** DejaVoo terminals do not support a payment to be canceled on the terminal from Treez

      1. Treez will throw a warning but always ensure payment is canceled directly on machine if need to terminate payment

  1. Extended POS timeout when performing payment (6 minutes)

    1. **Important** While Treez may have an extended timeout, card terminals still subject to their own timeout parameters

      1. DejaVoo terminals have a timeout of 120s

  1. Ability to capture a payment if close or navigate away from checkout screen while payment in progress on terminal

    1. **Important** In event this happens, check “Draft” sales for “Paid” tickets

      1. Open the Draft ticket and select “Complete” to finalize ticket completion

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