Feature Intro
The new Application Center in the TreezPay Portal is designed to simplify and enhance the onboarding experience for TreezPay customers. Accessible via a dedicated primary navigation tab, the Application Center includes two main tools: OneApp and Document Management. With the OneApp feature, business owners and authorized team members can seamlessly start or continue in-progress applications, minimizing delays in accessing critical payment solutions. The Document Management module allows users to securely upload and manage necessary documents at any stage of the application process, ensuring compliance while reducing overhead.
Access to the Application Center is permission-based, allowing any authorized individual within the organization to initiate applications and manage documentation on behalf of the business. This flexibility not only increases operational efficiency but also strengthens TreezPay’s ability to serve evolving business needs with timely solutions and secure document handling—all within a single, unified portal.
Getting Started
By design, the new Application Center requires very little configuration. Upon release it will be generally available to all permissioned users to immediately benefit from the streamlined application process. See below for the necessary role permission set.
Set Permissions
While all TreezPay Portal permissioned users will be able to view the Application Center and access the OneApp redirect, to manage documents on behalf of the store, the user role must have the following TreezPay Platform permission set:
Access OneApp from TreezPay Portal
Debatably overkill but a quick overview on how a user can access OneApp directly within the TreezPay Portal
Navigate to http://app.treezpay.com directly or through Treez Organization Dash > “TreezPay”
If navigated directly → sign-in with Treez org username and pass
If the left nav pane, user will now see “Application Center”
Select “Application Center” to view both “OneApp” and “Document Management” in dropdown
Select “OneApp” to redirect out to https://onboarding.treezpay.com/
User can either start a new OneApp or sign in to resume an existing application
Note: User will sign-into existing OneApp with the email and pass they used to start the application
May not be their Treez login credentials
Link new OneApp with Store
This simple flow outlines how an existing Treez customer can perform self linking of a new OneApp with their Treez entity via their TreezUrl to ensure Document Management is accessible upon application completion
Navigate to TreezPay Portal > “Application Center” > “OneApp”
Upon starting a new OneApp, user will be prompted to add their SellTreez URL
Although optional, IF user already has a SellTreez instance, it is highly encouraged to add their URL before moving forward
Upon application completion, the URL value will be checked and IF exists, will automatically link the application file to the store allowing access to Document Management in the TreezPay Portal
If the application is not linked, neither by the applicant via the TreezURL nor Treez internal, the user will see the message below when they navigate to “Document Management”
For customer's that have already submitted a OneApp prior to this feature, please click the "contact support" button to have a Treez team member link your application with your TreezPay Portal.
Upload Documents on Behalf of Store
Once an application has been linked with the store, any permissioned user can then upload documents on behalf of the store. Worth highlighting, payment applications are on a per store* basis NOT an organization. This is due to strict bank underwriting requirements as stores within an org can have different ownership and financial structures.
Permissioned user navigates to TreezPay Portal > Application Center > Document Management
User locates the file upload input for the file they intend to upload
User selects upload
User selects desired file from local storage
Upon selection, the file will automatically upload
User will see a success icon on the file upload input
IMPORTANT - To persist the document to their application file the user MUST select “Save & Submit” at the bottom of the page
After “Save & Submit” the user will see the “last updated date” change to the current date