This article pertains to functionality in the Latest Version of Treez. If you are not yet on the Latest Version of Treez, you will need to click the Help Center article about SellTreez User Management.
The Latest Version of Treez features centralized User Management with Single-Sign On support. Single-Sign On (SSO) allows users to access all of their assigned SellTreez stores within their organization using a single login. Centralized User Management also enables administrators to efficiently manage all users within their organization from a single, simple to use interface. With centralized user management, organizations can save labor hours and reduce redundant data entry, leading to increased efficiency and reduced opportunity for data inconsistency.
Quick highlights:
A user may be assigned multiple stores within 1 organization.
A user will have the same role at all Stores.
A user's email address can only belong to 1 Organization. If a user needs access to multiple Organizations (Example: A CPA working for multiple dispensaries) that user needs to use a unique email address for each organization.
Please note: EPM is not included in SSO login, users with EPM access will continue to use their EPM credentials to login to EPM for the time being.
Permissions Set
Permission Name | Permission Description |
Add User | Allows a user to Add users. |
Delete User | Allows a user to Delete users. |
View user | Allows a user to View users. |
Edit User | Allows a user to Edit users. |
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Navigating to User Management
Login to the Latest Version of Treez and navigate to the Organizations Settings Icon (Gear) in the lower left corner of the screen. Click User Management.
Adding a User
Please note: You must follow the instructions below before inviting a user to access the Latest Version of Treez.
Navigate to User Management and click the “Add User” button.
Add the User’s information and click “Next”.
Select the users Role by clicking the Select Roles drop down menu and selecting the desired user role.
Lastly, set a PIN for the user by entering the PIN in both the Set Pin and Confirm Pin fields and click the “Next” button.
Select the stores this user should have access to by expanding the list of stores and then check the box next to each store this user should have access to. Note: Users will not have access to any stores that are left unchecked. Click the Next button.
Confirm the information you have entered is correct on the screen.
OPTIONAL: If you would like to change any information, you can click the “< Select Stores” button on the bottom left side of the screen to return to the Store Selection screen.
NOTE: You can always click this button in the bottom left of the screen to return to the previous step of the Add user workflow.
Once you have confirmed all the user information is correct, click the “Finish” button in the bottom right of the screenClick “ok” in the lower right corner of the popup confirming the user was activated
The user will receive an email allowing them to set up their password. See Setting a Password
NOTE: It is best practice to let users set their own pins, however they will need a user with the Edit User permission when updating existing users or the Add User permission when adding a new user in User Management to help them set or reset their Pin
Editing a User
NOTE: Editing of users email has been temporarily disabled once a user is created. If the user's email address changes, they will need to be deactivated in user management and then a new user created with the updated email address.
Click the 3 dots (...) to the right of the user you wish to edit
Select “Edit Info” from the menu
Make any edits, if necessary, to the users information and then click the Next button at the bottom right of the screen to advance to the next screen
Make any edits to the users Role and/or Pin and then click the Next button n the bottom right of the screen
Make any edits to the Stores this user should have access to, if necessary, then click the Next button in the bottom right of the screen
Click the Finish button in the bottom right of the screen once you have confirmed the updated information
Deactivating a User
Navigate to User Management
Click the 3 dots (...) to the right of the user you wish to deactivate
Select “Deactivate” from the menu
Click “Yes, Deactivate”
Once the user is deleted, a snackbar will appear in the bottom center of your screen letting you know the user has been deactivated
The user will now appear as “Inactive” in list of users in User Management
Reactivating a User
Navigate to User Management
Click the 3 dots (...) to the right of the user you wish to reactivate
Select “Activate” from the menu
Once the user is deleted, a snackbar will appear in the bottom center of your screen letting you know the user has been reactivated
Setting a Password
When a new user is added in User Management, an email will be sent to that user's email address with instructions on setting up their new password. Users should check their email for an invitation to set their password
Click the “Set my password” link in the body of the email
Your browser will be directed to the ”Set a new password” page AND an additional email will be sent to the same email address with a Verification Code (and a subject of “Finish resetting your Tree password”). Do not close this window.
Check your email for the new email containing the Verification Code. Copy this code for use in the next step
Return of the “Set a new password” browser window from the previous step and paste your Verification Code in to the box labeled Verification Code
Enter your desired password in both the Password and Repeat Password fields.
Click the “Save Password” button in the bottom center of the screen
Click the “Continue to Sign In” button in the bottom center of the screen to go to the login page
Please note password requirements:
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
Password must have at least one uppercase letter
Password must have at least one number
Password must have at least one unique symbol (~!@#$%^*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?)
Password must have at least 5 unique characters
Resetting a Password
Navigate to
Click the “Forgot Password?” link
Enter your email address and leave this window open
Check your email for the new email containing the Verification Code. Copy this code for use in the next step
Return to the “Set a new password” browser window from the previous step and paste your Verification Code in to the box labeled Verification Code
Enter your desired password in both the Password and Repeat Password fields.
Click the “Save Password” button in the bottom center of the screen
Click the “Continue to Sign In” button in the bottom center of the screen to go to the login page
Please note password requirements:
Password must be a minimum of 8 characters.
Password must have at least one uppercase letter
Password must have at least one number
Password must have at least one unique symbol (~!@#$%^*()-_=+[]{}|;:,.<>/?)
Password must have at least 5 unique characters
Setting a PIN
Setting a PIN requires the assistance of a user with access to User Management. To Add a Pin during the Add User Workflow, the user will need the “Add User” permission. To change the Pin of an existing user, the user will need the “Edit User” permission.
To setup a Pin while adding a new user, please see the Adding a User section above.
Resetting a PIN
Click the 3 dots (...) to the right of the user you wish to reset a Pin for
Select “Edit Info” from the menu
Click the Next button at the bottom right of the screen to advance to the next screen
Enter the desired Pin in both the “Update Pin” and “Confirm New Pin” fields
Click the Next button n the bottom right of the screen
Click the Next button in the bottom right of the screen
Click the Finish button in the bottom right of the screen
The user can now use the new Pin