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SellTreez Product Update 54.0.0
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over a week ago
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Purchasing > Invoices > Import from METRC

  • Improved filtering/sorting on the manifest list. The list is sorted in descending order by manifest #. Filtering by exact METRC manifest # with leading 0's is working as expected. Filters are enabled as a default.

Inventory > Inventory Management

  • The inventory location dropdown list will expand as a default when moving inventory to a new location.


Product > Product Management

  • Resolved a display error with the 'Total' products showing as returned.

  • The CSV export handles special characters properly.

Inventory >Purchasing > Invoice

  • Resolved alignment issues with the invoice column headers.

  • Scrolling to view an invoice with returns is working as expected.

Customer > Customer Management

  • Searching by some customers with a sign-up flag that indicates they are a new eCommerce customer that has not placed an order is now working as expected.

  • New customers created via the API will no longer show in the agreement queue automatically.

  • Completing the membership agreement will redirect back to the queue as expected.

Retail > Fulfillment

  • When scanning a barcode to fulfill an order, any spaces in a barcode is now ignored so the item can be fulfilled.

  • Resolved an issue with the fulfillment page if the driver information was missing from the delivery group.

Product > Discount Management

  • If a stackable discount contains multiple product groups that includes the same product, the discount will apply only once to the same ticket line.

  • Adding a condition to an automated discount is working as expected.

  • Date and Time Range are working as expected.

Inventory > Location Management

  • Locations cannot be edited to become a child of its own child location.

Retail > Treez eCommerce

  • Pre-rolls with 'Shake' subtype are displayed on the menu when filtering by the pre-roll category.

Discount Management > Manual Discount

  • Cashier discount is now named Manual Discount

CA Delivery

Fixed bug where closing the last delivery sale via external ticket API was causing the group to not be completed in METRC.

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