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TreezSupport: How Do I Subscribe to Help Center Articles (KB) or Community Forums Topics & Threads?
TreezSupport: How Do I Subscribe to Help Center Articles (KB) or Community Forums Topics & Threads?
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 11 months ago

As you navigate the Treez Help Center (KB), you may find an article or articles that you want to follow. Below are some quick tips to following, subscribing and managing the content most important to you.

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Following content in the KB and community forums to get notifications

You can choose to follow select sections and articles in the knowledge base and topics and posts in the community forums. When you create a community post or comment on an article or post, you are automatically subscribed to follow that article or post.

When you follow content, you are subscribing to it, so that you will be notified by email when new articles, posts, or comments are added. You will not be notified when updates are made to the body of an article, post, or comment.

You will receive email notification for contributions made by other users who you are following, but you will not receive notifications for your own contributions.

You can stop following content at any time.

Following content

In the knowledge base, you can follow sections and individual articles. You cannot follow entire categories. In the community, you can follow topics and posts. You will not be notified when updates are made to existing articles or posts. You cannot automatically follow all new articles across the Help Center. You must follow each section instead.

To follow a section or topic

  1. Navigate to the section or topic that you want to follow.

  2. Click Follow, then choose notifications for only new articles/posts or for all new articles/posts and all comments.

    For articles/posts, you will receive email notifications for new articles/posts only in the section or topic. For articles/posts and comments, you will receive email notifications for all new articles/posts in the section or topic and any new comments.

To follow an article or post

  1. Navigate to the article or post.

  2. Click Follow.

    You will receive email notifications for any new comments on the article or post; however, you will not receive notifications when the content in the article or post is updated.

Unfollowing content

You can stop following content at any time if you no longer want to receive notifications. For sections and topics, you can also modify your subscription if you decide you only want notifications for new articles/posts and not all comments or vice versa.

To stop following a section or topic

  • In the section or topic, click Following, then select Unfollow.

To stop following an article or post

  • In the article or post, click Following.

    The button changes to Unfollow, indicating that you are no longer following the post.

Viewing and managing your subscriptions

Note: Viewing and managing subscriptions is not available on Suite Team.

You can view and modify all your subscriptions in one place. You must be signed in as an end-user to manage your subscriptions.

Subscriptions are managed in My Activities in the Customer Portal of Help Center.

To manage your subscriptions

  1. Click your profile icon on the upper-right side of any page, and then click My activities.

    Note: You must be signed in as an end-user to see the link.

  2. Click Following.

  3. Make any changes to your subscriptions.
    Unsubscribing removes the subscription from the page.

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