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SellTreez Product Update 53.0.0
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 11 months ago
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NJ Purchase Limits

  • Updates NJ Medical Purchase Limit Rules to use the proper conversion rates for concentrates and infused products.

Retail > Fulfillment (CA only)

  • If a vehicle without a nickname is assigned to delivery orders, the grouped delivery card will now display the vehicle make/model.

Product > Discount Management

  • For discounts with a schedule condition, adding an end date is no longer required. For a discount that requires an end date, if the discount runs over into the next consecutive day without any breaks in between, select 'Spans Multiple Days' to enter the end date. For example, a promotion that runs from Friday to Sunday is a discount that spans multiple days. If the discount has a start and end time in one day, for example, a daily 3-5pm happy hour with a promotion end date, do not select 'Spans Multiple Days' but use the Custom Recurrence to set the promotion end date. Read more here.

Inventory > Purchasing > Invoices (Import from METRC)

Invoice lines are now sorted by ascending METRC package UID. For non-tracked inventory, they are sorted in the order they were added to the invoice.


CA Delivery

  • Canceling the last delivery order in a group is working as expected.

  • Delivery sales shows in their groups on FFD as expected.

  • Fixed bug where invoice products were not auto-assigned previously assigned METRC products when turning on the CA delivery feature.

Inventory > Inventory Management

  • METRC products brought into an invoice were not always auto-assigned to previous Treez products (product data was not auto-populating on invoice).

  • Invoice column alignment is working as expected.

Retail > Sell Treez POS

  • Resolved an issue with images still displaying when filtering by categories despite enabling the POS config 'Hide Product Images'.

  • Resolved an error with selling a product if the 'size' product detail exceeded 45 characters.

Customer > Membership Agreement

  • The information entered by the customer in the Membership Agreement is now included in the email copy.

Cash > POS Ticket Adjustment

  • Removed the internal Treez team from the 'Users' dropdown selection.

Discount > Discount Management

  • Resolved an issue with scrolling the product group list when a long product SKU is present.

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