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TreezSupport: Sorting Content in the Community Forums
TreezSupport: Sorting Content in the Community Forums
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over a week ago

You can navigate content in the community forums by browsing topics or by showing all the posts in the community, regardless of topic. Within topics you can sort posts by newest, recent activity, votes, or comments. Within a post, you can sort comments according to date or votes.

Sorting by Posts or Topics

On the main community forums page, you can choose to view All Posts or All Posts

  • On the community forums landing page, click the arrow beside Community, then select Show all posts. All Community posts will appear in a list, no matter which topic they are associated with.

  • To show all topics again, select Show topics.


Sorting Community Posts Within a Topic

In any community forum topic, users can change the sort order by clicking the arrow next to the ‘Sort by….’ text found just above the topics list and selecting one of the available sort options.

  • Newest - (This is the default sort order) Lists posts by their creation date, starting with the most recent first.

  • Recent activity - Lists posts by their comment activity, starting with the most recent first.

  • Votes - Lists posts by their vote activity, starting with the post with the highest number of votes.

  • Comments - Lists posts by the comment activity, starting with the post with the highest number of comments (not based on the time of the comment activity, only volume of comments).

Sorting Comments in Community forum topics by date or votes

In Community posts, users can change the sort order by clicking the arrow next to the ‘Sort by’ text found just above the topics list and selecting one of the available sort options.

  • By default, comments appear chronologically, starting with the oldest comment.


You can find more information about the Treez Help Center and Treez Community Forums here.

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