This article pertains to functionality in the Latest Version of Treez. If you are not yet on the Latest Version of Treez, you will need to click this link for User Roles and Permissions.
Treez has provided a selection of predefined “default” roles with relevant permissions based on our customers real-world use cases. These default roles are inserted into each organization's Role Management at the time the organization was created. We understand that one size doesn't always fit all. Default roles can be updated by users to match their businesses’ unique needs. Permissions associated with default roles can be updated by any user with the Edit Role permission.
Once default roles have been inserted into the Organization, Treez will no longer manage the permissions associated with this role. To add new functionality to the default roles inserted in Role Management, a user with the Edit Role permission can edit the role and check the box to the right of any permissions they would like to add.
To begin using the Latest Version of Treez Click here for the Guide to User Management