If you see a new discrepancy on your report, it is important to submit it to Treez Support right away.
To take action on any discrepant items, you will first perform a synchronization in BioTrack, and visually verify in both the Treez and BioTrack systems. If a discrepancy is confirmed, please prepare the information needed and share with the Treez Support team.
Email [email protected] along with your Customer Success Manager, and include the following information:
The discrepant package information, including Product Name & Barcode ID
Quantity in Treez, BioTrack, and physical count
The Inventory Forensics Report for the package in question (exported from BioTrack)
Sales history for this package (exported from Treez)
Include your CSM on the request
Providing accurate and complete information to Treez Support will allow for a faster resolution.