With the introduction of Central Manual Discount Management, organizations will now have the capability to create, edit, or delete a manual discount once at an organization level and seamlessly persist the change throughout all their individual locations.
The new Central Discounts module allows for individual or global store selection when managing discounts as well. Individual stores will have the flexibility to override the amount, manager pin requirements, and reason. Finally, this new discount module offers enhanced discount data views, sorting, and filtering capabilities to quickly locate discounts by desired criteria.
Watch the video:
Create Manual Discounts Centrally
Navigate to Treez Dashboard > Discounts
Click the + Add Discount” button in top right corner
Input the following manual discount information:
Discount Name
Global Conditions - $ vs % and amount
Discount Type - Cart vs. Item
Discount Requirements - Manager Pin & Reason
Hit “Next”
Select Stores
“Search” for specific stores
Apply/Unapply the discount to all locations (“all stores” checkbox)
Apply/Unapply the discount to only select locations (individual store checkboxes)
After selecting all or desired locations, hit “Next”
Review Page”, verify the discount parameters and selected locations
Click “Finish” to save the discount
Upon hitting Finish, the discount will be automatically “activated”
Can be deactivated easily via dash. See Deactivate / Reactivate
Note: Client can view previous page and edit at any time before saving/persisting the new discount.
Edit Discounts Centrally
Navigates to Central Manual Discount Dashboard
Locate the discount in discount table you wish to edit
Click on ellipsis directly to the left of discount
Click “Edit”
This will launch same page view and sub-section UI/UX highlighted in Add Discount flow above
Hit “Next” to scroll though the pages to locate the parameter you wish to edit
Editable fields on Discount Information Page = Global Conditions, Discount Type, Requirements
Editable fields on Store Selector Page = Subset of stores client to include/exclude from discount
After you edit desired parameters, do a final review and hit “Finish”
Edited discount saved
Note: After launching “Edit”, user will navigate through same screens/flow as indicated above for “Add Discount”
Deactivate / Reactivate Discounts Centrally
Navigate to Central Manual Discount Dashboard
Locate the discount from discount table
Take note of current status (all the way to the right if not pinned elsewhere)
Click on ellipsis directly to the left of discount
Pending current status, click “Deactivate” OR “Activate”
If “Deactivate” > the discount status will change to “Inactive” (remains on dash)
From POS, this discount will no longer be visible/selectable
If “Activate” > the discount status will change to “active”
From POS, the discount is now visible/selectable
Note: Client will receive confirmation prompt prior to persisting status update.
Delete Discount Centrally
Navigate to Central Manual Discount Dashboard
Locate the discount from discount table
Take note of the current status (all the way to the right if not pinned elsewhere)
Clicks on ellipsis directly to the left of discount
Pending current status, hit “Delete”
Upon Delete > this discount will be removed from Dash
No longer available in POS
Note: Client will receive confirmation prompt prior to persisting delete.
Central Discount Store Customizations Flow
Navigate to Central Manual Discount Dashboard
Locate the discount you wish to put a store customization on
Select the “>” to dropdown and view the list of stores to which that discount will apply
Locate the store from the dropdown to customize
Click the ellipsis to the left of that store
Selects “Edit Store Conditions”
This will launch the “Select Stores” page for the particular store’s conditions within the discount builder
You can customize the following values:
Discount Amount
Manager Pin Required
Discount Reason
Modify 1 or more of these values and select “Save Changes”
You can also customize other store conditions while in this view
After saving, you will land on review page where and will hit “Finish” to persist modifications
You can reset the custom conditions to global by following the same flow
Once opening “Edit Store Conditions” the store will indicate it has custom conditions applied and a button to “Reset to Global”
Note: You will be able to view stores with customizations by selecting the discount dropdown from the discount list.
Central Discount Dashboard: Data Points, Sort, and Filtering Capabilities
Data Table Format:
The new discount dashboard now comes with a multi-variate table surfacing several new data points to the client front and center upon landing in the discount module. This is a huge improvement over the legacy discounts table which only surfaces display name and requires the client to click into each discount individually to view its parameters.
Data Table Taxonomy:
Created Date - The date/year the discount was created
Name - The discount title
Stores - The number of stores the discount is applied at
Type - Shows whether discount is cart or item level
Reason - Shows whether a reason is required on the discount
Manager Pin - Shows whether a manager pin is required to apply the discount
Discount Status - Shows whether the discount is active or inactive
Sorting and Filtering
The new Central Discount table now also offers sorting and filtering capability. This is a highly requested feature that will allow clients to quickly organize, limit, and search for discounts that meet their desired criteria. Sorting can be accomplished by ascending/descending order for on every column listed above with the exception of stores. If a client is trying to find a discount applied to specific stores, this column can be easily filtered. Moreover, with the introduction of advanced filtering capability, the client can now add a combination of filters to achieve ultimate granularity.
Central Discount Import Tool
The Central Discount import tool allows for seamless migrations of legacy discount data into the new Central Discount model. With this tool, a Treez internal rep has the ability to take a pre-formatted CSV of discounts and discount conditions and create them all at once at the organization level within the client’s Central Discount module.
Note: The import tool will create a predefined manual discount schema listed in the CSV for ONE store within the org and then recreate that same schema for all stores within that organization. If the client wishes to remove certain stores from the discount or customize specific stores, they will need to do so manually via the aforementioned “edit” and “store customization” functions.
You will need to contact your dedicated CSM to get started.
If you are a single store operator, we will automatically migrate and turn this on in the coming weeks.
If you are a multi-store operator, we will turn on the UI and allow you to re-create discounts around the same time prior to activating your central manual discounts in the POS.