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SellTreez: All About User Management
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over a week ago


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Navigating User Management

The User Management page is used to dictate who can access the Treez portal and what permissions they have. From here, managers can create/ edit portal logins, passwords, and POS PIN codes, establish user groups, and adjust page permissions. To access the User Management page, navigate to Configuration > User Management.

There are two main sections within the User Management page:

    • Users: This is the default view of the User Management page. It’s where you’ll create new users and edit current user information.

    • User Groups: This section is where you’ll manage what groups are available to your users and where you’ll establish the page permissions associated with each group.



Creating New Users

Creating users allows employees to log in to the Treez portal and make sales in the SellTreez POS system. For accountability purposes, each employee will need to have their own unique login created.

To begin creating users, navigate to Configuration > User Management.

Step 1: From the main User Management screen, click +Add User to open the “Create New User” card.

Step 2: Fill out all the required(*) fields.

  • Group: The group dropdown will house all available user groups available for you to choose from. While there are a variety of standard groups available, you also have the ability to create custom user groups by clicking on the User Groups tab.

  • Username: This is the name that will be displayed within SellTreez.

  • Email: Used to log in to the Treez portal. Must be a verifiable email address.

  • Password: Used to log in to the Treez portal

  • Set PIN: This number will be used to log into the SellTreez POS system each time you go to make a sale. The PIN number must be unique and no two users can have the same PIN. The system will prevent you from choosing a PIN that’s already in use.

NOTE: Based on the configurations you have enabled via Configuration > Config Page > Users > Users, there’s an additional “Employee ID” field that will be auto-generated whenever you create a new user.

Step 3: Certain actions within Treez can be set to require a manager’s approval, like accepting returns or applying POS discounts. Enabling this toggle will allow this user to approve those actions using their PIN code when they arise. This does not change the user's User Group field to 'Manager'.


Step 4: Click Save once all the information has been entered. Now this user will be able to log into the Treez portal and any actions made will be linked to their account.

  • Once an account has been created, you can click on the specific user to pull up their user details.

NOTE: Once a user has been created, clicking the pencil icon next to the ‘Status’ column will allow you to update their account information, including resetting their password and PIN, and making their account ‘Inactive’.


Deactivating/Reactivating Users

Once a user has been created, they can never be permanently deleted, they can only be made “Inactive.” This is done for auditing purposes.

To deactivate a user’s account, navigate to Configuration > User Management.

Step 1: Use the search bar or User Group dropdown to locate the user you’d like to make ‘Inactive’.

Step 2: Click the pencil icon to open the “Edit User” card.

Step 3: Disable the Active slider and tap Save. This user will now be blocked from being able to log in to the Treez portal.

To reactivate a user’s account navigate to Configuration > User Management and select Inactive from the ‘Active’ dropdown. Then, follow the same steps outlined above.



User Groups

The ‘User Groups’ page houses all available groups/roles that can be assigned to users, along with the various page permissions that accompany each group. While there are a variety of standard roles to choose from, you also have the ability to create custom ones and manually adjust the page permissions to meet your needs.


Across the top of the page, you’ll see all available user groups, while down the side of the page, you’ll see all main tabs within the Treez portal. Clicking on any of the main tab lines will display all pages nested under it.

Standard User Groups include:

  • Cash Manager

  • Manager

  • Shift Lead

  • Weigh Tech

  • Reception

  • Reception/Weigh Tech

  • Budtender Reception

  • Budtender Tech

  • Utility

Please Note: When creating User Groups, special characters cannot be used in the name of the user group (e.g., Supervisor+).

NOTE: If you don’t want any employees to be able to see the funds associated with your accounts when making payments to vendors, the balances can be hidden by navigating to Configuration > Config Page > Cash Handling > Existing Accounts > Toggle “Show Account Balances in PO Payment Dropdown” off.


Creating User Groups

Depending on your operation, you may have a need to create additional user groups to serve your internal needs. If desired, you can do so by navigating to Configuration > User Management > User Groups.

Step 1: From the ‘User Groups’ page, click +Add User Group to open the “Create User Group” card.

Step 2: Name the new group and tap Save. It’s best to keep the name short and descriptive.

Step 3: This new role will appear alongside all other existing groups. As you’ll notice, there won’t be any page permissions associated with your custom role. Permissions will need to be assigned manually in order for users with this role to be able to access any pages within the Treez portal.


Removing User Groups

If you want to reduce the number of available user groups to choose from, you can easily remove them. To do this, navigate to Configuration > User Management > User Groups.

Step 1: Identify which group(s) you no longer want to keep and click the pencil icon at the bottom of the associated column. This will open the “Edit [User Group]” card.

Step 2: Disable the Activate User toggle and click Save.

Step 3: From your remaining active groups, Select a Group from the dropdown menu that any outstanding users affiliated with this group should be converted to, and click Deactivate.

  • Doing so will remove this group from the user groups and page permission matrix.



Updating User Group Page Permissions

Each user group has a defined set of pages they have access to within the Treez portal. If you wish to alter the permissions linked to one or more groups, you can do so by navigating to Configurations > User Management > User Groups.

Step 1: Identify the appropriate column for the user group whose page permissions you’d like to update.

Step 2: Click on the checkboxes associated with various pages you’d like to enable or disable for the particular group.

  • By default, only the main portal tabs (e.g. Daily Procedures, Retail, Reports etc.) will be displayed. Clicking on each line will cause any additional pages that are nested under the parent tab to display.


NOTE: Users must have access to the parent tab in order to have access to any of the tabs nested under it. For example, for a user group needs to be able to access the ‘Sales’ report, they must have access to the main ‘Reports’ tab as well.

With new permissions comes increased access to new tools that an employee may not be accustomed to using or seeing. Be sure to have them read through the Help Center or talk with an internal expert to help get them up to speed on the new features at their disposal.


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