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Compliance - Error Control
Compliance - Error Control

The Error Control module is designed to enhance visibility into sales that have failed to post to your Track & Trace provider.

Written by Treez Support
Updated over a week ago

The Error Control module is designed to enhance visibility into sales that have failed to post to your Track & Trace provider. Currently Error Control is only compatible with the BioTrack Trace & Trace provider, with support for additional providers in the future. METRC Customers can use Compliance Management - METRC Control

With Error Control, users can now view all failed sales across their entire organization, rather than being limited to a single store, view details about the sale and dismiss items from the list that have been addressed. Error Control is designed to streamline the process of identifying and managing failed sales, ensuring better oversight and more efficient operations.

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Key Features:

  • Organization-Wide Visibility: See failed sales across all stores in your organization.

  • Store Filter: Filter and view failed sales from specific stores.

  • Detailed Error Information: Access the error received from the Track & Trace Provider, along with the receipt number, store of origin, sale date, and item count.

  • Dismiss Option: Easily dismiss sales that have been manually entered into the system.

  • Sales Information: Easily see the SellTreez POS Information, Provider Information and Item Lines attached to the Error Sales.

Where Can I find Error Control?

The initial release of the Error Control module is compatible with BioTrack only (additional providers will be available in the future) and will only be enabled for Organizations that have a store reporting to BioTrack.

You can access the Error Control module by clicking the “Compliance” scales Icon () from the primary navigation on the left side of the screen.


In order to see and access the Error Control module, you will need the “View Error Control” permission listed under “Compliance Management” in the Role Management module. Without this permission, you will not see the Compliance option in the primary navigation menu on the left side of your screen.

Error Control Features

Error Control Grid

The Error Control grid will display various information about the Sale (or Refund) to help users identify exactly what happened. The grid has the following columns:

  • Error Message - This is the error Treez received from the Trace & Trace provider when submitting the sale.

  • Treez Sale ID - This is the Treez receipt number of the sale for easy reference.

  • Item(s) - This is the number of cannabis items on the summitted sale. Non-Cannabis items will not be reflected in this count as those items are not sent to the Track & Trace provider.

  • Store - This is the name of the store where the sale took place.

  • Provider - This displays the Track & Trace provider the sale was sent to.

  • Timestamp - This is the date and time the sale took place in SellTreez POS.

See Info

A new option has been added to the menu for each sale in the Error Grid. Users can now easily see the SellTreez POS, Provider Information and the exact inventory items attached to a sales that didn't make it to their Track & Trace provider. The Sales Information pane; shows various information in separate sections.

  • SellTreez Information - This section displays the relevant information about the sale from SellTreez POS.

    Image of the SellTreez Information section
    • Treez Sale ID - This is the receipt number of the Treez Sale.

    • Store - This is the store the sale took place at.

    • Customer Type - This is the customer type that was added to the sale.

    • Medical Card ID - This is the State Medical Card ID entered into the Treez profile, if applicable. Adult Use Customers will show N/A in this field.

    • Sale Timestamp - This is the date and time the sale took place at the store.

  • Provider Information - This section displays information that is specific to reporting the sale to your Track & Trace provider, which may vary slightly from the SellTreez information as each provider uses distinct reporting fields, naming conventions and reporting requirements.

    Image of the Provider Information section
    • Provider Name - This is the Track & Trace provider this sale was sent to.

      • In some markets where a sale is required to be sent to multiple providers, each provider will be shows as different rows in the error grid if the sale failed to be sent to both provider. If only 1 provider shows on the grid for the sale, the sale was successfully sent to the other provider but failed to this provider.

    • License - This is the Cannabis License this sale was reported under.

    • Customer Type - This is the the customer type reported to the Track & Trace provider for this customer. Track & Trace providers may use varying nomenclature for Adult Use and Medical customer types.

      • This may differ from the SellTreez POS Customer type in some markets.

        • Some markets require that Adult Use products purchased by medical patients be reported as a "Adult Use" customer type. In this case, the SellTreez Information customer type may be "Medical" while the Provider Information customer type for this specific sale is "Consumer" or "Adult Use".

        • Some markets use a customer type of "External Patient" to represent a medical patient from out of state. In this case, the SellTreez Information customer type may be "Medical" and the Provider Information customer type may be "External Patient".

    • Patient License Number - This is the Medical Card ID that was sent to the Track & Trace provider.

  • Line Items - This section displays the Track & Trace ID for each line item on the sale, the quantity of that item and the price sent to to the provider.

    Image of the Line Items section
    • The ID used to track the inventory in the Track & Trace provider is displayed here.

      • For BioTrack, this is often referred to as the Barcode ID.

      • For METRC, this is often referred to as the Package Tag or Package Label.

    • To the right of the inventory ID, the quantity of this item sent to the Track & Trace provider is displayed in parenthesis.

    • To the right of the quantity is the price sent to the track and trace provider.

To see the Sale Information, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Compliance > Error Control from the primary navigation on the left side of your screen.

    Image of primary navigation on the left side of screen with "Compliance" highlighted
    1. If you are in SellTreez POS, you will need to select "Dashboard" from the left side menu first, then click "Compliance

  2. Click the 3 vertical dots next in the error grid next to the sale you want to see more information about.

    Image of Compliance > Error Control with 3 vertical dots icon highlighted

  3. Click "See Info" from the menu.

    3 vertical dots menu with "See Info" option highlighted

  4. The Sale Info panel will open from the right side of the screen and will display the available sales information.

    Image of Sale Info panel open, displaying relevant sales information for the specific sale


When a sale shows up in Error Control, it was unable to be sent to the Track & Trace provider. These sales will need to be manually addressed by manually entering into the Track & Trace provider. Once these have been successfully reported, they can be removed from the Error Control Grid by using the “Dismiss” action. To Dismiss an item in Error Control, follow these steps:

Dismiss a Single Item

  1. Click the 3 vertical dots on the right side of the item you wish to dismiss

  2. Select “Dismiss” from the menu

  3. Click the green “Proceed to Dismiss” button in the popup message to confirm you would like to dismiss this item. Optionally, if you selected teh wrong item and do not want to dismiss the item, you can click the white “Cancel” button and the item will not be dismissed.

    1. As the popup message says, dismissing the selected item will remove it from the Error Control Grid without submitting it to your Track & Trace provider. You will want to ensure that this sale has been reported to your provider before dismissing it or otherwise no long needs to be reported.

Dismiss Multiple Items

  1. Check the box next to each item you wish to dismiss

  2. Click “Dismiss: from the bulk action bar above the grid.

  3. Click the green “Proceed to Dismiss” button in the popup message to confirm you would like to dismiss this item. Optionally, if you selected teh wrong item and do not want to dismiss the item, you can click the white “Cancel” button and the item will not be dismissed.

    1. As the popup message says, dismissing the selected item will remove it from the Error Control Grid without submitting it to your Track & Trace provider. You will want to ensure that this sale has been reported to your provider before dismissing it or otherwise no long needs to be reported.

Filtering Options

The Error Control module offers multiple ways to filter the results displayed on the grid.

Filter by Store

By default the Error control grid will display errors from all stores the logged in user has access to. To filter a specific store or a subset of stores, use the store filter as follows:

  1. Click the Store filter near the top of the page to expand the available store options.

  2. Check the box next to 1 or more stores you wish to display in the Error Control grid.

  3. The Error Control grid will automatically filter the grid view to display only the stores you have selected. You may now simply click out of the filter to view your results.

Filter by Sale Date

By default the Error Control Grid will show all failures without restricting the grid to a date range so users can be sure they are seeing all unaddressed sales. Users may use the date filter to view unaddressed sales for a specific date or date range.

  1. Click the date filter on the right side of the screen

  2. Click the start and end date of the range you would like to view. The start time will be automatically set to 12:00am and the end time will be set to 11:59:59 to ensure you see all un addressed sales within your date range.

    1. If you would like to view only a single day and not a range, you can double click the date you would like to view in the left calendar.

  3. Once a date range (even just 1 day) is selected, the grid view will automatically display only unaddressed sales from that range.

NOTE: USers can clear teh date filter to display unaddressed error without a date limitation, simply open the date picker and click the clear button

Filter by Search

By default, the Error Control grid will how all unaddressed sales from all stores the user has access to without restricting the date range. Users can narrow the results displayed in the Error Control grid by using the search bar to search.

  1. Click into the search bar at the top of the Error Control grid on the right side of the screen

  2. Enter your desired search term such as Treez Sale ID (Receipt number)

  3. The grid will automatically filter search results as they are typed.

    1. Its important to note that the search filter will currently only search the current page for results, it will not return results from other pages. This feature will be enhanced at a later date to include results from all pages.

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