Please Note: This article pertains to Retail Analytics dashboard functionality in the Latest Version of Treez.
The Retail Analytics Accounting Overview dashboard provides visuals and CSV/Excel download access to taxes, payments, and multi-license sales data.
Log into the Latest Version of Treez and navigate to Dashboard > RA> Accounting > Overview
Net Sales & Returns Over Time
Visual Breakdown of your sales over a period of time.
Cannabis Sales
Sales summary with tax, cost, and return data rolled up to a per day, per store level. It contains all transactions with cannabis products.
Non-Cannabis Sales
Sales summary with tax, cost, and return data rolled up to a per day, per store level on all non-cannabis product sales. Merchandise, tools, equipment and products that are labeled as non-cannabis will be aggregated in this table.
Taxes Breakdown
Summary of the types of tax, and their amounts per store, per day. The Tax column will reflect different tax types for different locations, depending on the different county, city, and state your stores are in.
Daily Payments Export
The Daily Payments Export will allow you to filter via specific tax types and the designated Product types in the Tax Configuration. This will contain your Payment types such as Cash, Integrated ATM, ACH, or any other payment types you have.
Exporting Your Data
Click the 3 dots to download your data into either a CSV or Excel spreadsheet.