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SellTreez: All About Configuration
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 7 months ago

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Basic Treez Configurations: How to Edit Dispensary Name, Address, and Business Hours

Navigate to Configurations > Config Page > Basic Configurations

Fill in your Dispensary Name and Address as you want them to appear on your receipts and digital menu. Clicking outside of the card or pressing 'enter' will save the information and the changes will be reflected immediately. Be sure to also include your business hours.

Customer Management: Membership Agreements & Default Customer Settings

Navigate to Configurations > Config Page > Customer Management

These configurations allow you to dictate what types of customers you serve and how different sign-ups should be handled in the Customer Management module.

If your dispensary sells to Adult-Use patients, make sure to turn on the toggle to allow customers without a medical recommendation to make purchases in your shop. If ‘Adult-Use’ is enabled, you’ll also need to select what the default customer type should be. This selection will determine what the default requirements are when signing up a new customer. It’s best to default to the majority customer type for your store.

  • The Show Clear Queue button at Intake will display a trash icon at the top of the customer queue and will allow intake employees to clear the entire queue at any point throughout the day from the Customer Management module.

  • In Membership Agreement Content, you can write or upload your Membership Agreement. The preview button will allow you to view your current membership agreement to confirm it is working correctly. The edit button will open a text editor where you can enter or adjust the body text of your Agreement.

  • The Upload Docx button will allow you to upload an external word processing document that can include your logo. Please note, only '.DocX' file formats are currently supported for upload. If your Membership Agreement file is saved in a different file format, you can still copy and paste the text into Treez using the Edit Agreement button.

  • In the Membership Agreement Fields, you can dictate which customer types are required to sign your membership agreement in order to enter your shop.

  • You can also choose which fields are required to be filled in, such as a phone number or email address. Enabling the Output Bypasses Required Fields toggle will allow customers to check this box and bypass any required information being collected on the membership agreement.

  • To track your marketing efforts, you can also add a How Did You Hear About Us? Field, and even customize the available dropdown options.

Edit Lists

Configurations > Config Page > List Management

List management allows managers to configure lists of reasons for 3 categories that save time and provide uniformity across several workflows in SellTreez. We will cover how to edit the How Did You Hear? Options, Discount Reasons, and Adjustment Reasons lists.

  • How Did You Hear? will let you customize the options available to you when inputting the customer source. Tracking this can help you understand how well your marketing dollars are working across different areas. This list can also be viewable by the customer if you use the Treez Membership Agreement and enable both the How Did You Hear About Us? and Use Customizable Reasons toggles in the Membership Agreement configs.

  • Adjustment Reasons are for when you update inventory quantity. If you are in a METRC state this list will not be customizable as these are set by METRC. If you are not in a METRC state, then you can edit the list. These options will appear in the Inventory Adjustment, Return to Vendor and Destroy workflows in SellTreez.

  • Discounts allows you to edit a pre-populated list, create new items that can be pulled down at the POS, and give a list of reasons for a discount, saving time spent at checkout. It is important to know that these are Reasons for a Discount and are separate from Creating Discounts. These should be used when a Cashier Discount will be used for multiple reasons to better track in your reports.

How To Set Miscellaneous Configurations

Configurations > Config Page >

Let's cover a few miscellaneous configurations found on the config page including Distributor Payment Terms, Inventory Shrinkage, Product Collections, Purchase Limits, and User Employee IDs.

  • Distributor Payment - expand the Payment Terms section, and you will see that we’ve added most of the default payment terms. If you want to add more options, click the +Add New Payment Term Button and input the Distributor and when the payment is due.

  • Inventory - expand the Inventory drop down. Here we will be choosing what happens to the cost when we make positive changes to inventory adjustments. You can choose between using the cost of the previous batch or setting the cost to $0 for the positively adjusted items.

If you are planning on using the built-in Treez Ecommerce page, you can add a Collection bar to your menu. This allows you to add products to a collection, and link directly to that collection from your own website. This can be very useful when you want to advertise your own brands’ products, or if you have an upcoming sale.

To create your collections, navigate to the Product section of the Config Page and expand Collections. Click the +Add New Collection button, and input the Name of the Collection. You can also choose to add icons that will appear next to the collection’s name on your menu. Once your collection is created, head on over to the product card of something you would like to add, scroll down to the E Commerce section, and you will see the option to add it to the collection.

  • Purchase Limits section of the Config Page you will be able to set which types of customers can purchase from your business. You can also set the minimum age for each customer type you allow. The purchase limits set by the state will automatically be built into Treez based on the customer types you allow.

  • Users - you can choose to generate an Employee ID number in Treez. This will be visible in User Management next to the Employee name.

How To Set Up Integrations

Set up your METRC integration, request API keys for partner integrations, and see where to input Webhook integrations in Treez. During the implementation process, your Implementation Manager will be responsible for connecting your Treez instance to METRC. To do this they will need your METRC API key. This will be different for each user, so make sure you provide the API key with the highest user permissions.

To find your METRC API key, log in to the METRC Portal and click the dropdown arrow in the top right corner. Select API Keys, from this page, you can copy your key and send it to your Implementation Manager.

Please Note: You do not need to generate a new API key for Treez, doing so will disable any METRC integrations you currently have.

Request API keys for any partner integrations. To request an API key from Treez, please have a manager send [email protected] an email and include the integration partners name, and your Treez URL. It is also helpful to CC both your implementation manager and your contact for the integration partner.

Treez will generate and send over an API key for you to use in the partner’s portal (with the exception of Weedmaps, which you can plug the Key from Treez support directly in yourself).

For specific directions on how to integrate with each partner, it is best to reach out to each one directly.

There is one partner that doesn’t need Treez to generate an API key. If you use Onfleet to manage your delivery orders, you can generate an API key in Onfleet and plug it into Treez under the Delivery Integration section. For step-by-step directions, use the Help Center to look up the “Configuring the Onfleet Integration” article.

Some integrations will use a Webhook to get information in real-time. The integration partner will provide specific directions including what to input in the Endpoint URL and Notifications fields. If you don’t see ‘Webhook Integration’ in this section of your configurations, contact [email protected] to have it enabled.

Discounts & Rewards in Treez

Configurations > Configs > Discounts and Rewards

  • Expand the discounts section, and you will see two options. Enabling the first option will allow your managers to use the BOGO discount type when creating discounts in Discount Management. The next toggle will specify exactly how the BOGO discount is applied. If enabled, the customer will buy the more expensive item and will have the discount applied to the less expensive item. If disabled, customers will buy the less expensive item and have the discount applied to the more expensive item, resulting in a larger total discount.

Note: To avoid the non-compliant scenario where a BOGO discount would reduce the price of the GET product(s) to $0, we spread the discount over the BUY items and GET items as defined in your BOGO discount.

  • Tier Discounts section sets the rules for Tier Pricing. If tier thresholds are enabled, customers will receive a price break when the same-tier products (weight-based OR unit-based items) are purchased together, and their cumulative amount is between standard sizes.

For example, let's say a customer is purchasing one $50 eighth and one $16 gram (either of the same or different strains). If this toggle is enabled, the price break associated with the next highest tier will be applied to the additional weight.

This is mainly used if your store weighs out flower at the time of transaction. If tier thresholds are disabled, the tier discount won't kick in until the customer has added enough product to their cart to reach the next standard pricing tier.

You also have the ability to set whether the tier discount can be applied to the exact same product, or any product in the tier. If All Products in a Given Tier is selected, then discounts will apply across all products that have the same tier selected on their product card.

  • Discounts And Rewards will allow you to enable and customize Rewards options. If you choose to enable rewards, you will be presented with a few additional options to configure.

  • Return in Reward Dollars toggle will allow customers to receive refunds for their returned purchases in reward dollars. This refund option will display in the Sell Treez view when a sales associate goes to process a return, along with other enabled return payment options such as cash.

By default, Treez calculates the amount of rewards dollars accrued per purchase based on the pre-tax subtotal. If you would like rewards accrued on the post-tax total instead, switch this toggle on.

The Auto-Enroll New Customers option will determine if new customers will be automatically enrolled or need to be manually added to the Rewards program on their customer profile. The last option will allow you to input how many cents in Reward Dollars a customer will earn for each dollar they spend. This usually falls between 1 and 3 cents per dollar.

Make sure to let your Implementation Manager or Customer Success Manager know if you decide to enable rewards so we can confirm everything is working as intended.

Delivery Settings

Configurations > Configs > eCommerce

To start, you will need to set these eCommerce requirements first. Use the dropdown icon to set your preferences.

You will see general requirements first:

  • The minimum delivery amount is set here.

  • Next you have the option to decide whether you want to show the Subtotal or the grand total for the order to your customer. The grand total includes the delivery fee.

  • Below that you can set the Delivery fee to whatever you like.

If you don’t see delivery as an option at the POS, or your customers can't see it as an option, its likely because this delivery toggle is not turned on.

  • Include or exclude zip codes where your customers can be located to order.

First, decide your delivery radius (in miles). You can get specific by entering “Included Zip Codes” for where customers CAN order from, and “Excluded specific zip codes” where customers CANNOT order from. This allows you to decide where you want order to come in from and where you send your drivers.

  • You will then see the ability to setup Saved Sales Fulfillment, where budtenders can assign a ticket type to the order. If you don’t see delivery as an option when you save a sale refer, to this config.

Regarding Checkout, we are referring to customer checkout. When visiting the online menu, the customer can leave notes if the “Delivery Notes'' toggle is on. You can also Allow notes to be added to the customer ticket or allow login via their phone number for existing customers. This toggle allows the customer to link their account via phone number for easy login.

  • Finally, you have the ability to show the estimated tax disclaimer which is customizable and can be toggled on or off.

  • The MISC settings for delivery allow you to setup a maximum retail value of products. Each city is different, this value can be set specific to your region.

  • The Start amount is similar to the FLOAT in sell treez, and allows you to set the amount the drivers will start with each day. This can be 100, 200, etc. - whatever the driver begins the day with.

  • The max Amount equals how much cash a driver can have on them at any given point in time. You can set that amount here.

eCommerce Settings

Configurations > Configs > eCommerce

Note: Treez comes with an ecommerce platform when you purchase Sell Treez. To locate it, go to the hamburger menu, click Retail, and select ecommerce.

You want to confirm your ecommerce ordering hours are reflective of when you will allow customers to place orders. Some companies set this to 24/7, allowing customers to order after hours, which the team fulfills in the morning. On the other hand, if you set the hours from 8am-8pm, your customers will be unable to place an order outside these hours. Note that the add to cart button will also not be visible outside these hours.

Once in a while you may receive an order from a customer who gives you an expired ID or incorrect ID number. Whether it is expired or invalid, you may want to set up a reason for why an order may be canceled. You can create a custom cancellation reason in this Deleted Order Reasons section.

An online customer also has the ability to specify the order type as pickup or delivery, as long as those options are toggled ON.

As eCommerce orders flow through your Treez Fulfillment dashboard, you have the option to automatically clear any completed sales from that view after a certain amount of time. On busy days the completed column may fill up quickly, so Treez gives you the ability to have those completed orders cleared from the fulfillment page automatically by setting the time here in “Remove Completed Sales after.”

You can also display a specific warning message or logo which is prompted at the end of the ordering cycle. This can be turned on or off as you wish. For example, we can toggle the warning on, and you can see the preview.

The next section is Display preferences, which allows you to customize the actual appearance of the Ecommerce page.

  • First, you can enter a phone number which goes out to the customer in case you want them to call with questions.

  • The Address bar (when signed in) will appear just below product types.

  • A logo can be uploaded to the Nav bar and placed in the top left corner.

  • The logo link can link to any URL but we encourage linking to your company website so that you can redirect.

  • The Placeholder image allows you to show a default logo or image when you don't have a product image uploaded for a specific item.

  • The address bar color can be adjusted, as well as other specific sections. If you enter a color code, or select one from this model, the change will be reflected on the page. If you are customizing these colors, we recommend having the eCommerce page open in another tab so you can make the color changes and refresh as you go to see your progress.

  • Moving down you can adjust the Address bar: Confirmation Text which allows you to set a message for customers who have not signed in yet - This text can be any message you would like to display for customers: an address or quick delivery instruction. Anything you see is beneficial. The color of the text can be adjusted in the next section as well.

  • Next is the tax display, where you can decide if you want to show all taxes included on your pricing, or if you would like to show pretax pricing. When this is toggled on and you build an order you will see the tax included in the breakdown of your total at checkout.

  • If you want to display post tax (which is explained further in the tax module) in your menu - post tax allows us to reverse calculate your taxes based on your tax setup and your final price. Turning on Display Post tax will display the final price with taxes included.

  • Automatic printing - when an order comes in online this allows Treez to print a receipt automatically, which can be especially helpful in a loud or busy environment.

Saved Sales Fulfillment - when you are creating saved sales these toggles allow you to choose the type of order to save. Force barcode scan is an option that forces your back of house staff to scan the items being fulfilled in your orders. By toggling this on, you help to avoid incorrect batches or items being added to the cart. Scanning prevents the creation of discrepancies that might arise from selling from the wrong batch, therefore we highly recommend toggling this option on.

Menu Display Quantity Threshold allows you to set a minimum inventory quantity available for a product to display on the ecommerce menu. If you start out with a threshold of 10 for example, any time a product falls below that count, it will be hidden from your ecommerce menu. This can be setup specific to product type or you can set a global quantity for all product types.

Hold orders messages can go out to customers when they order outside of business hours. They can be customized and allow you to communicate how you see fit.

Treez messaging is currently disabled due to the cannabis industry being highly regulated and subject to ever-changing text messaging policies. Companies like T-Mobile and other providers will be leveraging fines for outbound messages which are deemed to be SHAFT violations. Please review our help center article “SellTreez: SMS Messaging Changes” which better explains the current status surrounding messaging and how we recommend approaching the situation moving forward.

Collection bar allows you to group products into a bucket which is displayed on the online menu as a Collection, such as “Featured Products” or any premade collection of items you would like to highlight on your menu. Products can be added to these collections manually as you build product cards.

POS Configuration Settings

Configuration > Configs > POS

These toggles allow you to decide which features are enabled within your Point of Sale or “Sell Treez''. Each of these settings can help you create unique operation workflows within your shop.

  • The customer label - in some area's regulations require you to print a customer or patient label for every product that gets purchased. When enabled a label will print every time a product is added to the cart. This label can be customized, just contact your Treez Implementation or Customer Success Manager to configure the proper fields.

  • The Cash Drawer pop allows the employees to pop the cash drawer separate from a transaction. When enabled you can go into Sell Treez, Click on the Current Sale button, and then Pop Cash Drawer

  • We recommend you Automatically Print a Receipt, although disabling this will still allow the user to select a digital or paper receipt.

  • Extra Receipt will allow you to print both a merchant and customer copy of the receipt at checkout.

  • Require Scanning will force your staff to scan items at the point of sale and will remove the ability to add items to the order by simply searching and selecting. Similar to the option to force scanning while in the Fulfillment Dashboard, this function helps prevent discrepancies by ensuring the correct package is being added to the cart each transaction.

  • You can also hide the ability to manually increase the ticket line quantity. This option will only display if the “require scanning” toggle is enabled. Turning this ON will prevent users from manually increasing the quantity of an item by pressing the plus sign to the right of the product icon while at the POS.

Inventory Section - When enabled and a product is added to the cart, Treez will automatically pick inventory from a sellable location. Disabling this means the user will have to manually select packages from a location if you are not requiring scanning at POS. Disabling this toggle can be beneficial if you have sellable products that exist in more than one location and need to pull a specific one, otherwise Treez uses a FIFO method in inventory management and automatically decreases inventory for you with the oldest package date first.

Auto-End All shifts Daily - Will automatically end all open shifts in the POS at 11:59 PM each day. This prevents shifts from being left OPEN from the day before. Remember this will not CLOSE the shift and cash drawer, it simply ends it. The following day you will need to remember to count the drawer and close out that shift as well which will help avoid impacting the following day's cash totals.

Print and Save toggle enables a button in SellTreez that allows you to print a customer receipt and save the sale in a single click. If you prepare orders in advance this config will save you time and effort during the fulfillment process.

Hide Live Inventory in the POS. This function prevents the live inventory count from showing in product information. You can decide if you want to show the customer age along with other information specific to the customer.

Hide Product Image is useful if you do not want to display images for every product. This can be useful if you have slow internet; it may allow SellTreez to load faster, but without images.

Auto decimal is a function that places an Auto-decimal in your checkout keypad which allows your sales associates to enter 1-2-00 which would be recognized as 12.00 the same way it works in a calculator. Enabling this function reduces the likelihood of transactions accidentally being rung up as a greater amount. For example, an item incorrectly entered as 5000 instead of 50.00.

Inventory Adjustments is similar to selling into the negative and allows you to make adjustments to your inventory on the fly. Enabling this feature means that in the event the system recognizes you as having ‘0’ of an item when you actually have 1 or more available — potentially due to a miscount or found item — you will be able to adjust your inventory directly from within SellTreez and sell the product to the customer without issue.

Payment Types section - allows you to enable any payment types you’d like to accept in your shop, choose which types can be used when issuing refunds, and configure pre-tipping for ACH payments. To enable a Payment type, simply switch the specific toggle to ON.

Shops that are fully adult-use or serve both medical and adult-use customers have the ability to check customers in at the POS, instead of through Intake. If this workflow is enabled in your shop, these settings will tell Treez what to do when a new customer signs up.

To help ensure that inventory isn't held captive within incomplete orders, you can configure Treez to automatically release reserved inventory after a specific amount of time (by order type). This feature requires a manager PIN and should only be enabled outside of business hours. As soon as this setting is enabled, any orders that have been inactive for more than 60 minutes will immediately be abandoned.

How To Install the Treez Hardware Agent

To get started, click on the “SellTreez: All About Configuring New Hardware” article, and scroll down to the “Downloading the Treez Hardware Agent” section and click Download Treez Hardware Agent. After you install the program, it is a good idea to Pin the program to your taskbar for easy access. Remember, this program is not required for 2D barcode scanning, but it is necessary in order to use a flatbed scanner, receipt printer, or label printer with Treez.

The first time you open the Hardware Agent it will ask for your Treez URL. Input your store’s Treez URL, then select the corresponding hardware location. Next, you can click the Launch Treez button to open up a new tab in Chrome to that URL and print location. On this page, you can see the same print location is selected in the top right corner.

If the Treez Hardware Agent is set to the wrong location, you can click on the Treez icon in the program, select Settings, and then click Reset All Settings And Exit. Reopen the program by clicking the icon in your taskbar, and you will be prompted to re-enter the URL and select a new print location.

The Treez hardware Agent is only for Windows and is cloud-based, meaning as long as you have the program running on one computer and connected to this print location, multiple devices can use that same flatbed scanner.

To use the flatbed scanner, receipt printer, or label printer on another computer, all you have to do is change the print location in Treez to that location. This means that multiple devices can use the same hardware as long as they have the correct print location selected in their Chrome browser.

How To Configure Hardware in Treez

Before you begin configuring hardware in Treez, make sure all devices are installed and working properly on Windows, and the Treez Hardware Agent is logged in to the correct instance and location.

Launch Treez, navigate to Configuration > Config Page > Hardware

Expand the Hardware location and select the hardware device from the applicable dropdown. Next, click the Test button and make sure Treez is able to “talk” to the device through the Treez Hardware Agent.

After confirming the hardware is installed correctly in Treez, it’s a good idea to test the hardware as if it’s actually being used.

To test the barcode scanner and flatbed scanner for reception, navigate to the Customer Management page under the Customer section of Treez. Click the + Add button, then choose Signup by Scanning Barcode. Scan the driver’s license barcode and the customer’s information should be automatically filled into a profile. Next, place the Driver’s License on the flatbed scanner, and click the Capture photo button in Treez. After the scanner is finished, click the Save & Back button to confirm their driver’s license photo was saved onto the profile.

Next, test the barcode scanner and receipt printer in Sell Treez. Navigate to the Retail menu, then choose Sell Treez POS. Select a Cash Drawer, then choose to start the shift. Select No Customer, select your Username, and input your Pin. Scan a sellable product barcode and you should see it added to the cart. If you receive a Barcode Not Found message this is also good, it just means the product is not in a sellable location, but the scanner is working. After you’ve added a product to the cart, confirm your print location at the top of your screen, then click the Print Receipt button. This should print a draft receipt and also pop the cash drawer.

Lastly, test the inventory label printer. Navigate to the Inventory Management section of Treez and select a line item. Click the Print button, then choose Inventory Barcode. Input the quantity and printer location, then choose print. If the label margins are off, you can calibrate the label printer by holding the pause and X button.

How To Create & Edit Labels

Configuration > Configs > Label (New)

Our new label maker allows you to create and customize Inventory, Batch, and Customer labels. With increased flexibility, you can now easily edit a label's placement and size, enter static text with limitless characters, and link data pulled from SellTreez. On top of it all, the new Customer label can be printed at Point of Sale, with Deli Labels for operators that weigh out flower at the time of transaction.

Click the blue Create New button. You will first choose the label type.

  • An inventory label is a label that is attached to your inventory that you can use to identify specific METRC package IDs. This is usually printed when you finish the invoice and accept the inventory into Treez.

  • A customer label is printed at the time of transaction, so only create this label type if you have a label printer set up at the cash register. This label type will be used if you need to print a label with customer information, or a deli label that won’t have a weight until you weigh it at the time of transaction.

  • The batch label is an optional label and is less commonly used but can be used to identify a batch of inventory if you plan on splitting your inventory into batches before you move it to the sales floor.

To start with an inventory label, first choose the label size. If you don’t see your label size, that’s ok, you will be able to edit the template size on the next screen. Click next and you will see a blank label. Adjust the size if needed, and you can also zoom in by clicking the dropdown in the top right corner.

There are a few types of fields you can add to a label. A static text field is an open text field that allows you to input anything. What you type is what you get. A dynamic text field is captured within SellTreez. This field may change depending on the stored data per product. Both text field types have 5 different font styles and can be aligned in 3 different ways, left, right, and center.

Barcode is a scannable barcode that you can associate with product information or a dynamic field. A QR code is a scannable QR code that you can associate with a dynamic field. Usually, you will want to use a QR code as it will take up less space on the label.

After you design your label template, click Save and name your label. Make sure to add the size of the label when you name it for easy identification.

To Edit a label, click on the blue Edit button and you will be taken into the label editor. Make any adjustments, then you can choose to Save and overwrite the current label, or Save as new if you would like to rename the label.

Creating a customer label will work the same way, however, you will notice when you add a dynamic field you have a few customer options available to you.

Once you’ve created your inventory labels, head over to Inventory Management and select an inventory line. You will see the Print button on the bottom of the screen, click it then select Inventory Barcode. Fill in the Label Size with the label you just created, then change the quantity to 1 and select your printer. Click Print and see how it looks!

Before testing a customer label, confirm you have selected the label template in the Point of Sale config page. Enable the Customer Label toggle, then choose your customer label from the dropdown. To test this label, head to SellTreez and open a new transaction. Make sure the print location is set up with a label printer, then add a product to the cart. This should trigger a label to print in Sell Treez.

How To Customize Your Receipt

Configurations > Configs > Receipt

There are two types of receipts in Treez - SellTreez receipts will be for orders rung up at the POS, and Fulfillment receipts will be used for orders that are processed through the Fulfillment Dashboard.

Under Common Settings you can upload the logo that will be printed on the top of the receipt.

The SellTreez receipt header will print at the top of the receipt, and we can choose which options will be displayed. If you would like a scannable QR code on the receipt that links to your own website, let your implementation manager know and they will help you set that up.

In the receipt Body you will have the option to enable even more information on the receipt. By default, the product name and price will always show on the receipt.

The SellTreez Footer will appear at the bottom of the receipt. This is a great place for a thank you message, your store return policy, or any compliance language you would like to add.

You can now go through the Fulfillment receipt options when all of the same toggles will be available.

How To Configure Your Taxes

Please Note: Before making any changes to your tax structure, be sure to brush up on your local tax regulations and understand how to properly calculate and compound taxes in your area. Treez will not be held liable for tax discrepancies caused by incorrectly structured tax models. We recommend consulting a tax professional before making any alterations to your tax structure.

Configurations > Configs > Taxes

Our self-service tax module is designed with the flexibility to organize and compound state and local taxes to any level of complexity. By understanding your individual tax rates, what types of products or customers they apply to, and how they compound, you can be sure you’re always charging customers the exact right amount for your area.

Expand the top section, Tax Rates, and input your Sales Tax. If you are in California, please read this article: SellTreez: CA ONLY - Excise Tax Changes Coming 1/1/2023

  • Custom Tax section - click the + Add New Tax button. Here we will be creating any local taxes, like a local cannabis tax. Once you name the tax click Save and refresh the page.

  • Point of Sale tax setup section, where we will create both your Medical and Adult Use tax configuration in Sell Treez. Click the Edit button to get started, and you will see that the first layer is already created for you. Click the Add Tax button, then select the Tax Label. Next choose which items will receive this tax, then input the rate. If you chose Excise tax, then this will be automated based upon the AMP multiplier and the cost of the product.

After adding your first tax you have two options. You can add another tax on this layer to add a non-compounding tax, or you can click the yellow + button on the left side to create a new layer. Creating a new layer and adding a new tax on that layer will make the tax compound on the previous layer.

  • When adding the sales tax, we have a few different options. The sales tax option will always use the sales tax you input in the section above. Using the dynamic sales tax option will use the sales tax associated with the delivery address for delivery orders. Choosing a sales tax option with MMID Cannabis Exemption will make it so Medical patients with the State Medical ID# toggle enabled on their profile will not have to pay this tax.

After setting up your Medical tax configuration, make sure to switch over to the Adult Use tab and configure those taxes as well.

  • The last section in the Taxes Config Page will allow you to enable Post-Tax. This is an optional setting that makes it so your eCommerce and partner channel menus advertise the final price of products (all taxes included), instead of the price before taxes. This is a great option for shops that want to display the most transparent pricing on their menus or want to minimize coin change.

With Post-Tax enabled, if you price an item at $10 our system automatically calculates how much the item is pre-tax, so the customer is charged $10 for the item, all taxes included. It is important to know that your tax configuration will still show up on the receipt when using this option.

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