Please note: You can only edit barcodes if the barcode is user defined. If it is generate you can only add a new barcode.
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Barcode Management
Editing Product Barcodes
To edit the product barcode, also known as the manufacturer's barcode, follow these steps:
NOTE: Editing the product barcode will not affect the Treez inventory barcode. To learn more about the difference between product barcodes and inventory barcodes, click here.
Step 1: Navigate to Product > Product Management >
Step 2: Use the search function or the available filters to find the product that you'd like to edit.
Step 3: Click on the product line to open the product card, and scroll down to the Barcode section.
Step 4: Click on the pencil icon to edit an existing product SKU. Click "+Add Barcode" to manually enter or scan in a new product SKU.
Editing Inventory Barcodes
Please note: You can only edit inventory barcodes if the barcode is user defined. If it is generate you can only add a new barcode.
To edit the inventory barcode, also known as the Treez or tracking barcode, follow these steps.
NOTE: Editing the inventory barcode won't affect the product barcode (which doesn't carry batch and shipment tracking information). To learn more about the difference between product barcodes and inventory barcodes, click here.
Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control
Step 2: Use the search function or the available filters to find the inventory that you'd like to edit the barcodes for.
Step 3: Click on the inventory line to open the inventory card and scroll down to the Barcode section. Then, click the Treez Barcode tab.
Step 4: Click the Edit icon on the far right-hand side of the section. Then, in the text box titled 'Treez Barcode', you can scan or type in the updated inventory SKU.
Step 5: Click the blue Save button.
Once your changes are saved, the new inventory barcode will be associated with all existing inventory in the package or shipment you're editing. Because the old barcodes on your existing inventory will be unrecognized, we recommend reprinting the labels in the Preview & Print Label tab on the left-hand side of the Barcode section.
Label Management
The Label Management configurations allow you to customize what information is printed on labels during the receiving process or from Inventory Control. To access your label management configurations, navigate to Configurations > Config Page > Label (new) > Label Management.
Label Configurations
Label Size: Select the size of label you'd like to configure from the dropdown.
โNOTE: If you're quickly trying to navigate between label sizes for reference, toggling between the sizes will save any changes you made.Label Fields
The fields selected from the dropdowns will determine what information is printed on whatever size label you're editing. Whatever value you select will be taken from Product (e.g. Brand), Inventory (e.g. Harvest Date), or Basic Configurations (e.g. Dispensary Name) and printed in the appropriate field on the label. You can reference the label sample on the right side of the screen to view where each value will be printed.
Select a value from each field's dropdown, or select 'Empty Value' if you'd prefer to leave it blank. Keep in mind that each field has a maximum character count displayed above the dropdown, and any characters beyond the limit will not be included on the label when printed.
NOTE: The Treez inventory SKU will be printed below the barcode on each label, and can't be removed or replaced.
Printing Labels
Though you'll be prompted to print inventory labels when intaking new inventory, if you need to print additional labels, follow the steps below.
Step 1: Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control.
Step 2: Use the search function or the available filters to find the inventory that you'd like to edit the barcodes for.
Step 3: Check the boxes on all the inventory lines you'd like to print labels for. Then, click the Print Label button on the action bar at the bottom of your screen.
Step 4: Enter the size and quantity of the labels you'd like to print, and then select which label printer you'd like to use.
Step 5: When all the fields have been completed, click the blue Print button.
The labels will then print from the location you chose and will be ready to be stuck onto your inventory.