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SellTreez Product Update 25.0.0
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 11 months ago

Please Note: Product Update 25.0.0 will be in limited release until after 4/20/2022


Inventory > Transporter Management > Drivers

  • This new page allows users to create driver profiles for transporters (who are not employed by the dispensary) with the driver's details that are required on a transfer.

Inventory > Transporter Management > Vehicles

  • This new page allows users to create vehicle profiles for transportation vehicles with the details that are required on a transfer.

Inventory > Transporter Management > Transporter

  • This new page allows users to create transporter profiles for licensed entities that move inventory between facilities with the transporter licensee's details that are required on a transfer.


Inventory > Transfers

  • This functionality allows a user to create a draft transfer before initiating the transfer. The 'Draft' tab of the Transfers page shows a list of all transfers in draft status.

  • The 'Open' tab of the Transfers page shows a list of all transfers in open status. This means the user has initiated the transfer, but it has not been closed out yet. It also means the transfer has been sent to Metrc as a transfer template.

  • The 'Done' tab of the Transfers page shows a list of all transfers that the user has marked complete. This serves as a historical record of the shop's transfers.

  • This functionality allows the user to select a draft transfer from the 'Draft' tab and edit inventory and transport information, cancel the transfer, or initiate the transfer.

  • This functionality allows the user to easily move a transfer from Draft to Open to Done. They will be shown a warning message before moving the transfer between statuses.

  • Adds the required Phone Number field on a transfer in Treez. This field is also required to create the transfer in Metrc.

  • This adds the ability for users to create a new draft transfer from the Transfers page (in addition to on the Inventory Control page).

  • Users transfer both cannabis and non-cannabis items. Non-cannabis items will not be included on the Metrc transfer.


Inventory > Transfers > Rejected

  • In Metrc states, transfers rejected by the receiving license will show up here automatically. In non-Metrc states, the sender will manually need to mark the transfer as rejected from the Open transfer screen.

  • This functionality allows the sender to re-accept inventory that was rejected back into their Treez instance.

Inventory > Transfers > Draft

  • The transfer types available for selection on a Draft transfer are pulled from Metrc.

  • When required to add a new package label, users will be prevented from entering a package ID that is already in use or was used previously.

Inventory > Transfers > Open

  • When a transfer is moved to Open (by clicking 'Initiate Transfer' on a draft), a transfer template is created in Metrc with the details that were entered in Treez.

Inventory > Inventory Management > Inventory Control

  • Users can initiate a Transfer from the Inventory Control page by selecting inventory and selecting 'Transfer' on the action bar.

  • When an item is added to a transfer, it is moved into the 'Awaiting Transfer' location. All actions on inventory in that location are blocked except for printing.

  • Users are restricted from including items that are held under different licenses to the same transfer.

  • This prevents users from adding an invalid package ID format and adds descriptive error messages for when an invalid package ID or quantity is entered.

  • Adds filtering by license to the Inventory Control page.


Reports > Inventory > Inventory Log

  • Transfers are now included on the Inventory Log report. When a user transfers a partial quantity, they are required to split the package. The split is also included on the Inventory Log report.

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