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METRC Error Glossary
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over a week ago

Please Note: We are aware that some of our customers are seeing METRC errors in their Compliance Management Module after a recent change made by METRC, Treez began displaying:

  • Could not find completed sale

  • 401 - undefined

  • Cannot read property ‘SalesDateTime’ of null

However, despite this error, these sales are still being sent to METRC while simultaneously erroring out.

In the meantime, customers can choose to Resend All To METRC to remove the errors mentioned above. Resending sales in this way will clear them from the UI in Treez without creating duplicate sales records in METRC.

(Your sales & adjustments will not be duplicated after “Resending All”)

The ‘To Do’ tab on the METRC Control page shows you all the sales and adjustments (or ‘tasks’) that encountered an error when sent from your Treez portal to METRC. When a task is rejected by METRC, it is accompanied by an error message that includes details from METRC with the reason for why the task wasn’t received successfully. This is shown in the ‘Error Message’ column of the main table.

If you’re scratching your head reading some of the errors, not to worry! We’ve compiled a list of the error messages below with information about what may cause them and how to resolve each one.

A sale may include more than one error. This is because the different packages on the sale may each have different errors. If this is the case, address each package’s error one at a time.

NOTE: If you see an error that is not on this list, please send it to [email protected] and our team will investigate and assist.


Error Glossary

  • <METRCITEMNAME> requires Unit THC Percent - Colorado Medical Only 2022


Licensees are required to update their existing items within the following categories to include Unit THC Content, Unit Weight, or THC %.

If this is not updated, you will receive the following error in Compliance Management:

Please note that there are 3 items in this error message, all with the same error, so the true error is "<METRCITEMNAME> requires Unit THC Percent"



Please Note: If you are a vertically integrated operator, you will need to go into your Distribution License Portal in METRC, then go to "Admin" from the drop-down menu.

To update existing items please use the following steps:

1. Go to the Items section of METRC, which you will find under the ADMIN tab
2. Within the Items section, find all items under the categories outlined above
3. Once the item(s) that will need to be updated are found, select the “Edit Items” button


4. Select the item(s) to be edited, the Edit Items action window will pop up as shown below
and enter the Unit THC Content for that item.


5. After confirming the accuracy of the information entered within the Unit THC Content, select the
“Save Items” button.
6. The item will be updated accordingly, and the newly entered Unit THC Content will be
visible within the item’s grid.


TIP: You can find more information here - METRC Support Bulletin

Please Note:

If you have products by 3rd party vendors which have not been updated by that vendor, you will need to manually upload the sales into METRC in real time and dismiss the sales from METRC control in Treez.

If you have updated the THC and unit weight fields for your distribution license your sales will push into METRC from Treez. Only dismiss sales that were manually uploaded into METRC due to the vendor not updating these fields.


If a licensee has not updated their items by January 1st, there will still be the ability for the Medical Store licensee to input that information to mitigate any items from being sold to a patient within the licensees existing inventory. This does require that you upload in real time for MEDICAL sales.



  • Package 1234567890 does not exist in the current Facility.

  • Package 1234567890 is in Transit and cannot have its contents sold.

  • Package 1234567890 cannot be adjusted because it is part of an existing Transfer.

  • Sales Receipt 0 does not exist in the current facility.

When a sale, return, or adjustment is unable to be recorded in METRC because the package has been transferred out, these error messages will display.

If you encounter these errors, Dismiss the affected sales and adjustments on the METRC Control page. If there are other packages on the same sale, upload the unaffected ticket lines to METRC via CSV by following these instructions. We also recommend contacting METRC support for further instructions.

When a package that has been transferred out appears on the True Up page, it will be unable to be trued-up because the adjustment will be rejected by METRC with one of the errors above. If you encounter this, ensure you have permanently hiden the package.

NOTE: To ensure the transferred out package won’t continue being sold, remove any remaining items from Treez by using the Return function in Inventory Control, if you haven’t already.


  • 401 - undefined

  • 401 Response String: Invalid authorization token

  • Authorization has been denied for this request

When an API Key is changed, all sales and inventory adjustments made in Treez will be rejected by METRC, causing many 401 errors on the METRC Control page. Once the API Key is generated and shared with us, it should never be changed without proper coordination with Treez.

When you see these errors, you’ll need to update your integration credentials. METRC Admins can generate an API Key by logging into METRC and clicking on the dropdown arrow (next to their username) in the upper right-hand corner of the screen and then selecting API Keys. Copy the API Key. Navigate back to Treez, and go to Configurations > Config Page > Integrations > State Tracking and enter the API Key into the field.

After your credentials are updated, the sales and adjustments with this error will be able to be resent from the METRC Control page. You can find full instructions on how to do so here.


  • Package 1234567890 cannot be adjusted below negative quantity threshold.

The METRC system will block any package adjustments that will result in the package quantity becoming a negative amount and respond with this error.

Generally, packages will not reach a negative quantity unless action has been taken directly in METRC making the METRC quantity lower than the Treez quantity. Follow these steps to investigate and identify the discrepancy between Treez and METRC, and then resend the errored tasks from the METRC Control page.


  • Contents from package 1234567890 cannot be sold because it has been Finished.

METRC recommends ‘finishing’ packages when they’ve sold out. Though this isn’t a required action, it keeps your list of packages in METRC more organized and can also help your METRC portal to run faster. When packages reach 0, Treez automatically finishes the package via the API.

Generally, packages will not reach 0 until all sales and adjustments are sent from Treez to METRC, unless action has been taken directly in METRC making the METRC quantity lower than the Treez quantity. Follow these steps to investigate and identify the discrepancy between Treez and METRC, and then resend the errored tasks from the METRC Control page.


  • Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ReceiptNumber'

This error means that for unknown reasons, METRC was unable to assign a Receipt Number to a sale when it was processing it into their system.

Because ‘ReceiptNumber’ is a sale identifier assigned byMETRC, Treez will be unable to fill the details required to send the sale successfully. If you encounter this error, contact METRC for assistance. In the meantime, you have a couple of options for resolution:

  • The issue may have been temporary or intermittent, so you can retry sending these sales from the METRC Control page. You can find full instructions on how to do so here.

  • The issue may also only be affecting the API, so you can also instead follow the steps here to make the needed corrections and upload the tasks to METRC via CSV, and then Dismiss them from METRC Control.

  • You can also wait for METRC support to respond with a definitive answer on how to get the sales into their system.


  • Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.

  • Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached.

  • A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections.

  • MSDTC on server 'ORD-MTC-CA-SQL1' is unavailable.

  • Error: connect ETIMEDOUT

  • Error: read ECONNRESET

  • 500 - … errors

  • 502 - … errors

  • 503 - … errors

  • 504 - … errors

These errors point to an issue with METRC’s database, server, or API connections. Meaning, METRC has become unable to accept tasks sent from Treez. These periods of unavailability can occur for short or prolonged periods of time.

Sales and adjustments with these errors should be resent from the METRC Control page. You can find full instructions on how to do so here.
TIP: You can check if the API is available before retrying by referencing the METRC API Status indicator (green = online, red = offline).


  • Patient Number is required, but was not specified.

  • Package 1234567890 cannot be sold by [Unit of Measure], because it is not compatible with [Unit of Measure].

  • The Unit of Measure is invalid. Valid values are: [Unit of Measure]

These errors indicate that the data sent by Treez to METRC had invalid (missing or incorrect) details. However, they should only appear in rare cases. When they occur, our team will further investigate each issue to determine its exact cause and make any updates to prevent them moving forward.

If you see these errors, please contact Treez Support so our team can investigate what caused the invalid information on the sale or adjustment and make any necessary fixes. In the meantime, these tasks won’t be able to be resent from METRC Control because the invalid details require manual correction. Instead, follow the steps here to make the needed corrections and upload the tasks to METRC via CSV.


  • Package 1234567890 has been discontinued and cannot have its contents sold.

When a package is ‘discontinued’ in METRC, it is eliminated permanently from your METRCportal and cannot be un-discontinued. The Treez API never discontinues packages, so this error would be caused by the manual action of discontinuing the package in your METRC portal.

Because there is no way to un-discontinue a package, you’ll be unable to record any sales on it. If you encounter this error, contact METRC for assistance.


  • Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.Commits'.'PK_Commits' in database 'metrc-prod-ca-events' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup.

This is a database error indicated the target database is full and needs to have space added or files deleted to make space for new data to be written.

This error is usually temporary while METRC addresses the space issues their database is experiencing. Typically, you can resend this sale or adjustment within a few hours. If you encounter this error for an extended period of time, contact METRC for assistance.


  • Facility can not sell to External Patients.

METRC has determined that the Patient Identification number associated with this sale is considered an External Patient and your license does not allow you to sell to external patients.

These sales typically cannot be resent from Compliance Management unless your license permission is updated by METRC to allow sales to external patients and may need to be uploaded manually to METRC. If you believe this patient is not an external patient, you can verify that the State Medical ID number is entered correctly in the Customer Profile. If it is not, update the State Medical ID number as soon as possible to prevent issues with future sales to this patient. You will then need to export the sale from Compliance Management and enter the correct State Medical ID number in the export as well as update the "Customer Type" field in the export with the appropriate verbiage for patients in your METRC state, usually "Patient". If the customer is and external patient and you experience this error, contact METRC for assistance with manually reporting this sale or updating your license permissions in METRC to allow sales to external patients.


  • Sales Receipt 0 does not exist in the current facility



This error indicates an update job attempting to report a sale that has already been reported.


You can dismiss this sale from the TODO tab in METRC Control. The sale has already been uploaded to METRC.


Error: write EPROTO 140059133101952:error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 40



This error indicates there was an issue on the METRC side.


It is safe to resend this to METRC.


" Identification Method is required but was not specified."



This error indicates the patient in not in METRC.


Search the patients manually in METRC, they are most likely not active, or their medical ID is expired.

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