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SellTreez Product Updates 17.0.0
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over a week ago

September 19, 2021


Retail > SellTreez POS > Receipts

  • Introducing configurations that allow customers to print receipt ticket lines in order of Inventory Barcode. If you would like to have this feature enabled, please reach out to your Account Manager.

Cash > Cash Handling

  • ACH payments are now shown within the cash handling reports.


Configuration > Config Page

  • Configuration > Config Page > eCommerce > SMS Provider Configuration - Users are now able to pick from a second SMS provider, Vonage/NexMo. Vonage will visible in the carrier dropdown in the configurations page and can easily be set up using a Treez issued API key or your own personal API key.


Product Management> Product

  • The External ID field in Product now supports mixed case characters.

Cash > POS Ticket Adjustment

  • Within the POS Ticket Adjustment, users can now see tickets without visible shifts assigned.


Retail > Pole Display

  • Pole display is working as expected on Ecommerce.

Retail > SellTreez POS

  • The intermittent white screen issue has been resolved.

POS Mgmt > Order Processing > Order Management Dashboard

  • Fulfilling an eCommerce ACH delivery order ticket is working as expected.

Omni Channel Sales > Product Menus > Online Ecommerce Store

  • Error messages for unverified google addresses has been resolved.

Pos Mgmt > Order Processing > Order Mgmt Dash > SMS

  • One cent discrepancy that was visible to end-users via SMS is now resolved.

Configuration > Online Menu

  • Color configurations are working as expected on eCommerce pages.


  • Discounts are visible in the fulfillment dashboard.

Configurations > User Management

  • Permissions set on depth-2 are working in the portal as expected.

Retail > Ecommerce > Reordering

  • Reordering products in e-commerce charges the correct price.

Inventory > Location Management

  • Resolved an issue where links to product pages were not directed to the actual product when SBL was enabled. Links are now working as expected.


  • Previously merged products are now deselected after merging, preventing unwanted products from being added to the merge flow.

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