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SellTreez: Inventory Wanding SOP
Written by Treez Admin
Updated this week

Please Note: Download and make several copies of this Inventory Wanding Sheet. There are pre-populated formulas to help you. We have tested in Google Sheets only and cannot guarantee that Excel will bring the formulas over without variance.

Inventory Wanding:

Each time you count, make a copy of the template/ original and list the day of the count in the title. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Management > Click on Inventory Adjustment

  • Before exporting out of Inventory Adjustment, apply the appropriate filters for product types, location/s, brands, that are being counted to ensure you don't double count product that might be in a POS return location.

  • Then sort the product name column by A-Z by clicking on the Product Column/Header.

  • Once filters are applied, and columns have been sorted to your liking, click the three dots in the top right corner of the page to “Export to CSV"


Once exported, in the CSV export, delete columns R (Last Adjusted), I (Inventory Type), and F (Source Label).

Tip: One package or batch has multiple SKU’s/ Barcodes, so this next step will prevent a space from being in front of the trailing barcodes in the sequence. (Example: (abc, def) should be reformatted to (abc,def)).

Highlight the Package Label, Product Barcodes, and Inventory Barcodes columns (F, G, and H).

  • Use the Find & Replace feature to replace all the spaces in these columns.

  • Find (hit space bar)

  • Replace (don’t enter anything)

  • Then hit replace all

Once the above has been completed, you are now ready to copy and paste into the Inventory Wanding sheet. Please Note: This is a very important step and if not followed, will break the sheet and cause frustration. Please double-check you have done these steps correctly.

  • Copy Columns A-F in the export (Type to Package Label) and paste them into the Inventory Wanding sheet in Columns A-F.

  • Then copy Product Barcodes – Accepted Date (Column G-P) and paste those columns into the sheet (Columns H-Q)

NOTE: Column G in the Inventory Wanding template is a formula that combines Columns F, H, & I, so don’t touch or copy any data in that column. This is also why you need copy A-F and H-Q separately.

If done correctly you will see column G populate with the combined barcodes from the Product & Inventory columns and columns R-V will separate the barcodes (if there are multiple) into separate columns.

Once this is completed you are ready to Scan!

Spot Check/Test Scan Before Beginning Count:

  • Does the Correct Brand and Product Name Appear?

  • Check the Final Count Summary Sheet and check to see the 1 count is applying to the correct product. (If so, you can delete these test counts and begin scanning for the actual inventory count.)

  • Sanity check the first and last SKU on the “Live Inventory Export" from the Treez sheet by copying and pasting the SKU’s into the location one tab, Column A under SKU’s wanded.

  • Start by going to location 1 and only scanning into column C starting at row 11.

    • (There are formulas in the other columns, so if you scan in the wrong column or delete any rows/ columns, it could throw the formulas off the sheet impacting your count.)

For each location/ computer performing scans, make sure they are doing from their own Location Tab so no one is overwriting the other scans.

Once all the products have been scanned into the sheet, go to the Final Count Summary Page and go down the list to enter the SKU's from the Inventory Adjustment page in Treez to submit the counts.

Organizing Prior To Counting

We highly recommend you have a team of three for each location tab/scanner.

  • One person to lay out the products on a table/area with labels facing up like playing cards, so that the scanner can quickly go down the line to scan each item individually.

  • One person scanning and also monitoring the sheet to ensure products are populating correctly for what’s being scanned and stops the count to investigate if NA appears when scanning.

  • One person putting the product away after they are scanned, separate from the items that have not been scanned.

Important Notes to Keep in Mind

  • The key is to organize in a way that you can easily identify what has been scanned vs what has not been scanned. This is to ensure that every item is scanned and being counted properly.

  • Each Location Tab can only sustain 2500 counts per sheet. So, once you get close to or at 2500 scans, move to the next Location Tab before continuing to count.

  • If you scan a product and the METRC tag comes up, you should be able to copy and paste the package label column in the export and past into the product barcodes section so that both Treez barcodes and METRC barcode can be read.

Trouble Shooting Errors

  • If a product is scanned and comes up as NA in the sheet, go back into Treez Inventory Adjustment page and search for the item and identify why it was not on the original export.

    • Most of the time the item was out of stock in Treez and needs to be adjusted up separately from the other items by hitting the settings wheel and searching in “Out of Stock Packages”.

  • Another common error is doing a cycle count for cartridges with a filtered to only show carts, but the item being scanned is part of another product category, and thus was not part of the original export.

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