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All About the METRC Delivery Feature (Excluding CA)
All About the METRC Delivery Feature (Excluding CA)
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 4 months ago
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Please Note: This article relates to the METRC Delivery Feature in the following markets:

  • Massachusetts (Adult Use only)

  • New Jersey

  • Nevada

For more information about METRC Delivery in California, see our METRC Delivery (CA Only) article here.

The new METRC Delivery Feature (Excluding CA) accommodates METRC's Sales Delivery reporting. Treez has integrated METRC reporting directly into the Fulfillment Workflow, allowing the system to maintain its Product Taxonomy while adding compliance reporting elements to accurately report deliveries to METRC.

Customers can request this feature by contacting Treez Support and we will set this up for you.

Before you request this feature, please ensure that you:

  • Update the permissions of the METRC user whose API key is currently being used in your Treez Instance. Specifically, you'll want to make sure that the API key you are using has the Manage Sales Delivery permission enabled. Without this permission, Treez will not be able to report Delivery Sales to METRC.

Please Note: If you have multiple stores using the same METRC API key and the API key is regenerated, you will need to update that API Key in each store to avoid interruption in your METRC reporting and related functionality.

  • Add the "Handle Deliveries" permission to roles associated with your delivery drivers and adding the following require fields to each user who will be performing deliveries:

    • Name

    • Employee Number

    • Driver's License number

    • DL expiration date

    • Phone number

Need help updating your roles and user in preparation for METRC Delivery? See our How To Enable Delivery Driver Permissions for METRC Delivery article!

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Set Up

Once METRC Delivery has been enabled, users will need to ensure its METRC integration settings are correct and the METRC license(s) are accurate at each store in Organization Management.

Configure Vehicles

The next step will require that you add vehicles and vehicle information in the config page under the “Delivery” module. Navigate to Configuration > Config Page > Delivery and click the Orange Plus Button to add your vehicle(s).

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Configure Users

You will now need to provider your users the "Handle Delivery" permission for them to show up as available drivers when grouping a delivery. You can set up your drivers as follows:

NOTE: If the user(s) already have this information filled out, ensure that you resave each user after applying the Handle Deliveries permission to the role in Role Management.

Configure METRC Sales Delivery Completions Behavior

By default, Treez will automatically complete the METRC Deliveries once the orders are completed in Treez. You can toggle this OFF if you would like under Config Page > Delivery > METRC Delivery.

Add Delivery Details to Orders

In order to add Delivery Details to orders and report delivery sales to METRC follow the steps outlined below:

  • Navigate to Retail > Fulfillment Dashboard

  • Select the “Add Delivery Details” button in the top right corner which will launch a New Group Delivery

  • Within the new popup:

    • Select the desired delivery orders for grouping using the checkbox

      • (Note: Only Delivery orders in Packed & Ready status are selectable)

    • Add your planned route

      • This should be the route the driver plans to take. If there are multiple orders in the route, the planned route should include the directions for the entire route.

    • Select the driver and vehicle from the dropdown (these dropdown lists will auto populate)

    • Select “Add Details” to create new delivery - this will surface as a stacked card on the Fulfillment Dashboard.

      • You can add more deliveries before creating these in METRC.

    • When the driver is ready to leave your facility to deliver the orders, select "Create in METRC"

      • This will create a delivery manifest in METRC for each selected order

Add Delivery Details.gif

Edit or Delete Group Orders before Creating in METRC

You can continue to add or remove deliveries from the stacked cards in the Packed and Ready column before creating the delivery manifests in METRC.


The stacked delivery orders can be edited any time before sending to METRC. To do this, simply click on the stacked group order from the Fulfillment Dashboard. From here the same group popup will launch where Packed & Ready orders can be added and notes, driver info, and vehicle info can be updated.

Editing Stacked Delivery.gif


In event an order needs to be removed from the grouping, simply click the "X" to the right of the order in the Delivery Details popup.

If the user wishes to delete the entire group, they can delete the entire delivery group by clicking the delete button delete in the Delivery Details popup.

Send Orders to METRC

Send to METRC

Once the delivery group is ready to depart the facility, the user will select the group card (same as above), verify everything appears correct, and hit “Create in METRC.”

While the deliveries are being created in METRC, the Delivery group color will change to gray to indicate that the deliveries are processing. Users will also notice the buttons at the bottom of the Delivery Details popup will be replaced with a simple "Processing deliveries" message with a loading icon. This indicates Treez is attempting to communicate with METRC and create the delivery manifests.

Once created in METRC, the individual orders will move to Out for Delivery (they will no longer be stacked) and create the delivery manifests in METRC for each order. If any of the manifests failed to create in METRC, they will stay in the Packed & Ready Delivery group, the group will turn red to indicate an issue and an error message will be displayed next to the individual order in the Delivery Details popup which will need to be addressed before trying to Create in METRC again.

Please Note: Once an order is created in METRC, edits to and order in Treez will not be edited in METRC. If edits are necessary, users will need to make the adjustments in both Treez and the METRC portal.

Complete Orders

To complete a delivery, the user must select order card (in Out for Delivery). From here, and hit “Complete Order,” launching SellTreez POS. Once “paid” and “Complete” the individual order will populate under “Complete” in fulfillment. Completed METRC delivery sales can be viewed in the client’s METRC portal under “Deliveries” > “Inactive.”

Cancel Orders

If after an order moves to Out for Delivery, the order cannot be completed for any reason, that order can be canceled in Treez as long as the delivery group is still in Out for Delivery status. From the fulfillment dashboard click the "Cancel Order" button, which will remove the order from fulfillment and cancel it. This action will be reported to METRC automatically, canceling the delivery in METRC. Canceling an order from the METRC manifest in this manner will return all inventory from that order back to the retailer's facility.

Errors from METRC

If delivery group is rejected by METRC with an error, after Treez attempts to create a manifest, the group will remain in Packed & Ready. The failed group will have a red sidebar and clicking into the group will display the error message from METRC to right of each failed order. This group will now be in a draft state and can be edited to make any necessary adjustments before retrying. Once the errors have been addressed, users can click the "Create in METRC" button again.

Please note: this group has NOT been created in METRC at this point. It can be edited or deleted and recreated, and the orders / items on them can be edited as well.

Once the error(s) has been addressed, this group can be tried again by using the ‘Send to METRC’ function as described above.

Known Limitations:

  • The METRC Delivery feature does not support “Dynamic Delivery" (also known as "ice cream truck”) delivery model.

  • METRC Delivery feature is not available in all markets.

  • METRC Delivery is not available to partners via external API.

  • Delivery Groups created in Treez will not create groups in Onfleet. However, individual orders will be created in Onfleet and can otherwise be used to manage orders as normal.

  • METRC Delivery does not currently allow for adjustments to orders after being sent to METRC (After the "Send to METRC button is clicked and the orders have moved to "Out for Delivery" status). Any adjustments to the orders need to be made both in Treez and in METRC to avoid creating discrepancies.

  • Orders cannot be moved to Out for Delivery via Saved Sales or the external API if METRC Delivery is enabled as moving orders in this way will bypass the METRC delivery feature and will not be reported to METRC.

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