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SellTreez: All About POS (Point of Sale)
SellTreez: All About POS (Point of Sale)
Written by Treez Admin
Updated over 7 months ago

To ensure that every customer's needs are taken care of, the SellTreez Point of Sale system offers a unique and intuitive way to personalize the retail experience.

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Using the POS System

Customers who have been added to the ‘Customer Queue’ from Customer Management will populate in the order they arrived on the main screen of the POS module. From here, you’ll be able to quickly assign customers to yourself and help walk them through the purchasing process.

To access the SellTreez POS module, navigate to the Retail > SellTreez POS.


Processing Transactions

Step 1: Click on the desired customer tile to assign them to yourself. Typically you'll want select the first customer in the list as they have been waiting the longest, however your business needs and processes might determine a different order of helping customers.

  • Tiles will populate in chronological order of when the customer was checked-in from Customer Management.

  • If the customer is a caregiver purchasing on behalf of their associated patient(s), a blue CG symbol will be shown on their tile. Tap on the caregiver’s tile to start an order for any of their patients or a personal order for the caregiver.

NOTE: The caregiver must be checked in first, followed by the patient for the caregiver to be properly associated with their patient. Learn more about the caregiver workflow here!

  • Clicking No Customer will allow you to enter the POS view without a customer attached to to the sale.

    Image of Customer Queue in POS with No Customer button highlighted

    • After clicking No Customer and logging into a drawer (Step 2 below), you may type a name into the search bar to add a customer to the order or

      Image of the top of the POS page with Search Customer search bar highlighted.
    • Continue the transaction an an anonymous sale without adding a customer to the order or

    • Click the ‘Current Sale’ tile to view saved, draft, or recent sales.

      Image of top of POS page with Current Sale button highlighted

Step 2: Select your name and log in using your personalized PIN. This will take you to the sales screen.

NOTE: At the top of the sales screen, you will find a running timer for your current sale. This timer begins as soon as the POS page opens and does not reset if No Customer was used and a customer is later added to the sale.

Step 3: If you've added a customer to the sale, you can quickly familiarize yourself with that customer by clicking on their name in the top left corner of the sales screen. This will allow you to view a summary of their profile.

  • The summary includes key information about the customer (from their customer profile). Including contact information, accrued rewards dollars, and customer notes.

  • You can click ‘Edit Phone’ or ‘Edit Email’ to update this information in the customer profile.

  • Click on Favorites to display both favorite products and customer notes at the same time. Favorite products will automatically populate based on purchase history.

Click View Profile to open the customer's profile in Customer Management in a new tab.


NOTE: If the patient is associated with a caregiver and both are checked-in, a toggle will display allowing you to select whether or not the caregiver is attached to the sale.

Step 4: From the sales screen, scan product or inventory barcodes, or manually select products from the menu to add them to the order.

TIP: Scanning inventory barcodes is the best way to ensure the product you are scanning is decremented from the correct inventory batch. Scanning a product barcode will deduct using "First In, First Out" logic when selecting a batch and thus may not represent the specific physical batch being handed to a customer. Retailers can optionally require scanning of a barcode using the Force Scan configuration. Learn more about Force Scan here!

  • If you don’t have access to a barcode scanner, or your retail label isn’t scanning properly, you can quickly search the entire menu by entering product information into the search bar to narrow down your results.

  • Alternatively, the ‘Categories’ feature allows you to manually search your menu by product type and is a helpful tool for making specific recommendations.


NOTE: Clicking on products will pull up information specific to that item including attributes and lab results (if available), product sizes, flavor options, etc., and the amount you have left in live inventory (if configured).


Step 5: Select the size and quantity of each product (if applicable) and tap Add to Cart. This will add the product as a line item to the current order.

  • If the customer decides they want more/less of a product after it’s been added, changes can be made to quantities and/or sizes by clicking the + or - buttons on the left-hand side of the line item.

NOTE: If Force Scan configurations are set, you may not see the + or - buttons to adjust the quantity as you will need to scan the barcode for each unit you wish to add to the cart.

If you select a deli-style bulk flower product, you’ll need to follow additional steps to add the product to the cart.

Step 6: Apply any additional discounts. Cart discounts can be added by clicking the Discount button and then selecting a discount while line item discounts can be added by selecting the line item(s) and then clicking the Discount button. For increased accountability, these can be configured to require a manager’s PIN.

Image of discount button highlighted

Image of the discount selection screen

If an item has any automatic discounts attached to it, this will display in the ‘Discount’ column. You can view specifics about the discount by clicking on the discount added to any line item.

Image showing the discount details after clicking on the discount added to the line item

Step 7: Once the order is complete, click Checkout. This will take you to the payment screen.

Step 8: Select the payment method, or a combination of methods if your shop accepts debit cards, and/or has rewards points enabled.

  • Cash: The first tile is reserved for exact change, while the following tiles relate to whole cash increments. Selecting one of these will complete the sale, print the receipt, and display the change due, if any.

  • Card: Select the appropriate charge option, use the keypad to enter the proper amount, then tap Charge. Once charged, the sale will be complete, and the receipt will print.

  • Rewards Dollars/Points: If your shop has rewards enabled, customers may use their accrued points to pay for purchases. Reward accrual rates can be configured by going to Configuration > Config Page > Discounts and Rewards.

  • TreezPay Debit: If your shop has TreezPay enabled, click the first tile to charge the exact amount, or Charge Custom TreezPay Debit Amount to enter a partial amount. Then, swipe the card on the PIN Pad and follow the prompts to complete the sale. If you're using custom amounts, the TreezPay PIN pad will only activate once the full amount of the ticket has been entered across the payment method(s).

  • Custom: The ‘Custom’ buttons allow you to split payment between a variety of payment methods.

  • Target Total: If your shop has this feature enabled, clicking it will allow cashiers to use a customer’s rewards dollars to turn the balance owed into an easy to transact whole dollar amount or any amount the customer chooses.

TIP: The current default setting is for SellTreez to treat rewards dollars as a payment type. To use the Target Total feature, you must have rewards dollars as a discount enabled. To set this up, just contact us at [email protected]!


Step 9: Return any change to the customer and click Done to complete the sale. This will turn the sale into a line item on the ‘Purchased’ tab.

Checking In Customers at the POS

For shops that serve adult-use customers, you have the ability to bypass checking in customers at a dedicated intake area and instead scan a customer’s ID directly from the POS, if allowed in your market. To begin checking customers in from the POS terminal, ensure your POS barcode scanners appear on our approved hardware list and are properly configured to read 2D barcodes — some scanners may be too old to perform this function and will need to be updated in order to do so.

NOTE: Its important that you understand your jurisdictions regulations on the customer check-in process. Some markets allow for a 1 step process while others require a dedicated 2 step process. Ensure the customer check-in flow you pick is compliant in your market. IF you are unsure, check with your jurisdictions regulatory agency to confirm.

Step 1: To begin configuring your retail barcode scanners, visit our Configuring Barcode Scanners article here.

Step 2: Once all your scanners have been configured, navigate to Configurations > Config Page > Point of Sale > Customer Management to select how you’d like to handle new customer sign-ups that occur at the POS.

  • Returning customers can easily be checked in once their ID has been scanned, as the system will quickly recognize their existing profile.

  • For more information on POS configurations, click here.


NOTE: Checking a customer in through SellTreez will perform the same verification checks (age, valid ID, etc.) that occur when a customer is checked in from Patient Intake/Customer Management. If an issue is flagged, sales associates will be prevented from moving forward with a customer who isn’t eligible.

Current Sale Tile

The ‘Current Sale’ tile displays how long a member has been assigned to you for a current order. Clicking into it will reveal additional actions that you can take around saving and retrieving orders.

  • Abandon Sale: Clicking this will send the customer back into the queue and will delete the order if started.

  • Save Current Sale: Clicking this will save the sale in its entirety so it can be paid for at a later time. If your shop does delivery or express in-store pick-up, this will allow you to prepare the order in advance, and collect payment later.

  • View Saved Sales: This is where you’ll be able to view and open all of the ‘Saved Sales’, as well as retrieve orders placed through your online menu.

    • Use the ‘Sale Statuses’ and ‘Sale Types’ filters to narrow down search results.

  • To reopen a Saved Sale click on the appropriate order from the list or search for the receipt number in the ‘Search’ bar. Clicking on a saved sale will open the sales screen so you can complete an order.

  • From the sales screen, you'll be met with a variety of options for continuing with the sale:

    • Edit will allow you to update the order’s contents.

    • Print Label will allow you to print a customer label with previously configured information. Displaying this additional information is a requirement in some areas.

    • Print Receipt will print a receipt (if you’d like to include it in the delivery bag, for example).

    • Pay will open the payments screen and allow you to tender payment.

  • View Recent Receipts: This is where any receipts that were accidentally navigated away from mid-transaction will live. Draft receipts, much like 'Saved Sales', reserve inventory so they will be automatically cleared out every 90mins to release products back into live inventory.

  • View Draft Receipts: This is where you’ll be able to retrieve pending orders that were closed before they were completed — these are not the same thing as ‘Saved Sales’. For example, if your browser window gets closed accidentally or if you navigate away from an order in the middle of it, this is where the receipt will be stored.

  • End Shift: Clicking this will initiate End of Shift protocols, such as printing an end of shift receipt and ending your accountability on a given register.

    • Once you’ve ended your shift, you’ll be prompted with a pop-up that allows you to reprint the EOS receipt or confirm your end of shift action.

      • Selecting Reprint will cause your EOS receipt to reprint. Once printed, you’ll be prompted once again to select either ‘Reprint’ or ‘Confirm’ just in case you encountered an error with the initial reprint or want multiple copies for whatever reason.

      • Selecting Confirm will log you out of the Treez portal.


NOTE: Once EOS has been ‘Confirmed’, you’ll no longer be able to reprint an additional receipt for this shift.

  • Once ‘End of Shift’ is selected, sales associates should take their drawer and end of shift receipt to the cash handling team for counting and documentation in the ‘Close Shift’ view.

Returns and Refunds

Follow this process to return an item and issue a refund to the customer.

Step 1: Navigate to Retail > SellTreez POS.

Step 2: From SellTreez, select a customer from the queue or choose 'No Customer.'

Step 3: Select your name and log in using your personalized PIN. This will take you to the sales screen.

Step 4: If a customer has been assigned, click the Purchased tab to view the member’s purchase history. Then, enter the receipt number in the ‘Search’ field to locate the appropriate order.

If there's no customer assigned click on the Current Sale > View Recent Receipts. Then, enter the receipt number in the ‘Search’ field to locate the appropriate order.


Step 5: Click Refund to select the refund method.

  • If refunding the entire purchase, select the correct refund action and return the proper amount via the chosen method.

  • If refunding a portion of the order, select Partial Refund. Then enter the number of units to refund in the ‘Units to Refund’ column. Click Refund (partial) and select the correct refund action and return the proper amount via the chosen method.


NOTE: Due to business regulations, some TreezPay solutions such as Cashless ATM do not support refunds in their native tender type. Instead, refunds can be made using another payment method such as cash, or by adding the refund amount to the customer's Reward Dollars.

Step 6: At the bottom of the sales screen, click Edit Reason and leave a note about why the product is being returned. This will help ensure an easier reconciliation can take place.


Once a refund has been issued, it will display in red as a line item in the ‘Returns’ tab.

Step 7: The refund is now complete. A receipt will print and you can return any change to the customer, if necessary.

You can assign a new patient to yourself by clicking Customers in Queue in the upper right corner and tapping on the member at the top of the list.

Purchase Limits

City and state regulations limit the amount of cannabis that can be sold to Medical and Adult Use customers. To ensure you're remaining compliant, our system will show you how far each customer is to reaching their daily purchase limit. To view purchase limit information for the order you're working on simply click the Purchase Limits button at the top of the cart in SellTreez.

Image showing purchase limits

NOTE: Purchase limits vary across the country, the above example may not match the purchase limits you see in your market, however the format of the purchase limit bars will be similar across markets and may track different types of products and limits.

SellTreez will alert you if it detects an overselling of certain types of products based on the attached customer type. Most markets have strict limits while some markets have limits for medical customers where each customers specific limit to set by their referring physician. When purchase limits are set to strict limits, SellTreez will disable the checkout button and display a red over limit banner in the SellTreez cart.

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